I’m spending the week with a little one… and I’m not sure who’s having more fun. Him or me! Six days of bliss… smiles… laughter… play… and love! It’s amazing how many lessons you can learn from a 17-month-old. The pure joy in everything he does. Whether for the first time or for the hundredth…
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What can you accomplish in 30 days? A lot… A little… Almost nothing… The answer really depends on YOU! December 1st! The first day of the last month of this year. You can choose to sit back and watch the next 30 days go by… or you can plan and prepare so on January 2nd,…
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Do you underestimate yourself? Do you tell yourself you aren’t good enough? Not deserving? Have imposter’s syndrome? STOP IT!! YOU are a Rock Star!! And the first place you have to be a Rock Star is with yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop thinking about what you’re not and what hasn’t happened on your…
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Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? When we’re young all we want is to be grown up… When we’re adults, we long for time to slow down. We’re on the last day of the Action Accelerator Event™ and it’s been amazing. All the 2023 calendars will be done by this afternoon and there have…
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So many things affect your business. The upcoming elections are a big topic of discussion right now. The other big topic seems to be the economy. Two things that affect your business. While we’re not going to be talking politics at my upcoming Action Accelerator Event™, we will be discussing how a lot of other…
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Ever see things more than once in a short period of time and realize you needed to pay attention? Me too… I kept seeing this video performance by Yoann Bourgeois with steps and a trampoline but hadn’t taken the time to stop and watch it. Until Monday morning. And I immediately drew parallels to life…
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We’re in the last quarter of the year and the holiday season is just around the corner. That means 2023 will be here before you have time to blink. Are you ready? It’s that time of the year when the weather is getting a little colder, the leaves are changing colors and there are so…
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I recently watched a Netflix series called Self Made. It’s the story of Madam C.J. Walker. She was a female entrepreneur, philanthropist, and political and social activist in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. She is recorded as the first female self-made millionaire in America in the Guinness Book of World Records. She started her…
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All marketing is NOT created equal. Marketing is NOT the same as Advertising. Direct Response Marketing is the ONLY kind of marketing you should be doing… There are 2 things that make Direct Response Marketing different than other marketing. First, direct response marketing requires your prospect to take some Action. You might ask them to…
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“If I could make $5,000 a month and get out of debt”… That’s what she said to me when we started working together seven years ago… It didn’t take us long to completely revamp her business. She went from traveling all the time, making very little money to staying at home and making over $250,000.00…
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