But Sam Walton Said… You Aren’t Walmart!

One of the things that can be frustrating is when a business owner says, “yea but my business is different.” (I call that having the Yea Buts and my clients know better than to say that to me) On one hand, every business is different and on the other, they aren’t. If you start trying…

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Your #1 Biggest Challenge

What is your #1 business challenge? What is the thing you struggle with the most? Take a minute to think about it… There are a lot of things to think about in your business every single day. How do you overcome that challenge? What if it wasn’t as difficult to overcome as you think? And…

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How to Explode Your Business… And Your Profits

Leapfrog or Ladders? You don’t have to do things in your business in a step-by-step manner. That’s hard… and S-L-O-W! You want fast, quick, speedy so you can take your profits to the bank – early and often! Skip steps and move to the top now… not tomorrow or next week or next year! Do…

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Never Waste Another Marketing Dollar Again

It’s so important that you know some basic numbers in your business. Even if you’re not a numbers person and you don’t like numbers, it’s important you look at certain numbers in your business. How do you know when and where to invest more of your marketing dollars if you don’t know your ROI (Return…

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Does Your Business Need A Doctor?

Lately I’ve been reminded several times that it’s always better to do what you can to stay healthy, to eat right and exercise, rather than need doctors (it’s not me or my health… I’m fine, don’t worry). And as I was thinking about that and committing to making some more positive changes and additions to…

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Farming Mentality

It’s harvest season in farm country – we call it “picking”. The picture is of a field across from my sister’s house in Ohio where they’re picking corn. The red thing in the field (below the arrow) is a combine (not like the one the NFL rookies go to… lol) farmer’s use to harvest the…

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Optimization? What Is That Anyway?

Optimization… … the process of continually evaluating and making your business better. Optimization involves improving various aspects of your business, including operations, processes, and strategies to achieve better outcomes, reduce costs, increase productivity, and ultimately drive growth and improvement. Optimization is an ongoing process that happens during and after every campaign and promotion. Looking for…

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When Things Go Wrong…

In business – and in life – unexpected things happen. Some are small, minor inconveniences. Others are major life and business interrupters. Some things you control and most things you don’t. You do control whether you react or respond to things when they happen. When you react, it’s usually with emotion. It’s like putting the…

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Do You Plan Your Vacations?

I say all the time, most people spend more time planning their vacations than they do planning for their businesses… And, it’s true. I get it, planning for vacation is fun for most people. Planning for your business seems like work. Hint: work is the thing that makes your business successful and allows you to…

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Content Development Made Easy

Do you find it difficult to know what to write about or say in a video? Is developing content a struggle for you? I’m often asked how I keep putting things out year-after-year…after so many years. Want to know my secret? It’s not always easy. And, like you, I sometimes struggle with what to write…

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