Words are important. The ones you say to yourself AND the ones you say and communicate to others. Using words in business to tell stories and get your message across is one of the most important things you can do. We all learn (and buy things) from stories. We remember stories… …not facts and…
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I’ve been contemplating what to do about my usual fall event. People always get such amazing results. You walk away with your entire plan for the next year AND, the details of exactly what you’re going to do for the next 90-days. Step-by-step! It’s truly a hands-on event with a lot of Implementation. With…
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The RIPPLE effect. People talk about it, but I often wonder if people really get the power of it. I’ve made it an acronym. Here’s what it means to me… Repetition In Place Produces Little Effects Somewhere We often underestimate the effect we have on people – whether we want it to or not. And…
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Isn’t a sunrise one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen? And all that it represents… A new day. New beginnings. Fresh starts. I have a small not on my desktop monitor (yes, some of use still use those) that says, “Start Again.” Not start over… Start Again! Starting over is overwhelming… and…
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The purple flower that appeared and then disappeared in a single 24-hour period held a lot of lessons for me. The part about the purple flower I didn’t share last week, the part that stuck with me for a while – until I looked for another lesson – was about being alone… …there it was,…
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I pulled in the driveway like I had hundreds of times before… and I didn’t notice anything different than I ever had. As usual, I was focused on other “things”. As I got out of the car and walked toward the front door… there it was. One, single purple flower in what might have once…
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Have you ever found yourself answering the question about why you’re doing something with “because THEY told me to?” Who’s They? When you do things because everyone else is doing it or because you saw it on somebody else’s social media feed, take heed. Are you the leader in your business or are you following?…
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Do you think about the reasons WHY you do what you do? Or do you just do things to get them done? Or because you’re “supposed” to do this or that? There is strategy and then there’s flying by the seat of your pants and being haphazard about the things you do. Specifically, in your…
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Are you open to change and new ideas in your business or are you stuck? In a rut? Feeling out of sorts or stagnant in your business (or your life)? If you’ve been in business for 5 years or more, you may have experienced the stagnant feeling. I know I certainly have in my 25+…
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Many times, there’s a big difference between doing what’s easy and doing what’s necessary – or doing what will make the biggest change or impact. This is true in life as well as in business. It’s easy to do what’s simple and easy. You can stay in your comfort zone and not much, if anything,…
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