Security… …is there such a thing? As business owners and entrepreneurs, we tend to risk more than out counterparts who have jobs. One way to add security to your life and your business is to have a continuity program. Some people call these membership programs – what they don’t understand is there is SO MUCH…
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Is there such a thing as a Perfect Business? If there was, what would your “Perfect Business” look like… Was that 6:55 seconds valuable for you? Did it make you think about some things that maybe you either have never thought of before or that maybe changed your way of thinking? Having products and courses…
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It was yesterday…Valentine’s Day! Is it a marketing ploy or really about romance and love? Either way, there’s something special in it for you this year – you just have to watch this 4:56 video to find out… Got to now! With this Valentine’s Day special for “Your Business Your Way™” you get these…
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What is the thing you need? Can you get it? How much will it cost? You Already Have It… Ah, the ability to think for yourself! Does that sound too easy…simple even? The key is to not allow BSOS to take over…Bright Shiny Object Syndrome! Stop letting other people tell you what is important in…
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Did you promise yourself to make the new year different? If you did, I’m challenging you to take a minute to think about what you’ve done differently in the first 25 days of this year…and we’ll talk more about that in a minute. I’m not very good at doing things by myself. I don’t really…
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Diversity is a buzz word in the world today. Usually we hear about diversity and inclusion more in a corporate market but I’m finding that is changing some now and even small to medium sized businesses are talking about it. People like you and me are concerned more and more about how we can be…
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Does your business look and feel like a roller coaster ride? Up and down and up and down and around… Would you like to stop feeling like you’re riding a roller coaster in your business…or in your life (or both)? One key to stopping this is ABM – Always Be Marketing! Most business owners get…
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Just like there are all kinds of ways to feed your body, your mind, and your soul, there are many ways to feed your business. The important thing is for you to be feeding your business on a regular basis. Although you are not your business, when you feed yourself, you feed your business… This…
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Ever wonder why some people buy from you and some don’t? Or why some people come to your events, or choose to coach with you and others don’t? There isn’t one simple answer to this question…no matter what the reason is though, it’s to your benefit and theirs too… The truth of the matter is…
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Is there such a thing as bad marketing? Do you believe that as long as people are talking about you it’s a good thing? To me, the only bad marketing is marketing you don’t do. Even when you do things and they don’t work the way you want them to work, it’s not necessarily “bad…
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