Information Marketing

Tell Good, Compelling Stories To Build Your Business

Have you ever noticed there are people who write stories and use stories when they speak from the stage, or in their copy, when you get an email from them or go online to read their sales letter? Think about stories and things you’re doing, and how you can tell stories in your marketing to make a deeper connection with people.


How To Know If You’re Ready To Put On Your Own Live Events

If you’re thinking about hosting a live event or if you’re in the middle of marketing for one, how do you know if your list is right? Is your list big enough? Will your list be interested in attending a live event?


Do You Listen?

Listening is an important part of our lives and our businesses. It’s important to listen to clients, to prospects, to our staff, and to ourselves.


Profitable List Building With Relationship Marketing

Want to know more about getting people to opt-in to your list? List building is one of the most important aspects of your business-no matter what kind of business you have. It’s not enough for you to just offer people a subscription to your ezine or your online newsletter.


Decisiveness And Business

Decisiveness and implementation go hand-in-hand. The more decisive you are in your decisions, the quicker you pull the trigger to try something new or to get something done. It’s amazing to watch people struggle with making a commitment to even what many of us would consider the most basic decisions.


Do You Really Want To Be Number One?

We all strive to be number one, meaning we want to be the best, we want to finish first, and we want to be ahead of the pack. I am going to tell you that the number one is the worst possible number there is in business and marketing. Why would I say that?


Find The Hidden Money In Your Business And Double or Triple Your Profits

What can you add in your business that people want, and are willing to pay for, while they’re making other purchases, that can easily be added on? There are all sorts of ways to do this. There is all sorts of hidden money in your business and your challenge is to go out and find it.


Standing Apart From the Crowd As The Preferred Provider

Standing Apart From the Crowd As The Preferred Provider-What are the things only you can provide? The biggest thing that sets you apart and makes you different is you! And, access to you is one of the biggest advantages you have as a small businesses owner or entrepreneurs.


13 Best Ways To Stimulate CREATIVITY

13 Best Ways To Stimulate Creativity-Last week I was speaking to an advisor of mine. We had talked about writing and creativity. She perceived that I was a creative person. I told her that I grew up avoiding reading and writing because I was criticized and punished frequently by parents and teachers. Of course, I avoided working on those skills because I was weak in them.


Do You Step Over Dollars To Pick Up Pennies?

Do You Step Over Dollars To Pick Up Pennies? Every year for the past 6 or 8 years I have taken a Friday off in the middle of December and spent the day with my best friend in Atlanta doing some Christmas shopping. We always have a great time, being silly and having fun, while getting the majority of our shopping done for the season. We always start off the day with a nice breakfast.