
Super Sunday!!

There’s a lot we could talk about regarding the big game that was played last Sunday. Yes, I’m talking about the Super Bowl. There was Taylor and Travis… Usher and the halftime show… Reba singing the National Anthem… Brock and Patrick… Andy and Kyle… And so much more! How about the commercials? $7 million for…

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Was It All In The Name?

I wanted to see the movie “Air” when I saw the first advertisement. It was available this weekend on Amazon Prime, so Sunday evening, I watched it. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend you take the time to watch it – at least once. If you own a business, are in marketing, or are a basketball fan, you’ll take something away…

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Are You Living Your Dream… Or Somebody Else’s

Are you living your dream or somebody else’s? How’s that for hitting you square in the forehead today? I heard this question over the weekend, and it took my breath away a little bit. It reminded me of a conversation I recently had with a plumber who was at my house fixing a water geyser…

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Asking For Help…

Do you ask for help when you need it? Or are you like me, and a lot of entrepreneurs… and you’re just really bad at it? I’d go so far as to say a lot of us suck at it! How much time and energy do you waste trying to figure things out for yourself?…

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What Changes Do You Need To Make In Your Business

How often do you take a step back, look at your business, and think about what changes you need to make? Most of us don’t do this often enough. We’re so busy working IN our businesses that we forget to work ON our business. Change is constant and inevitable. If you want something different for…

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The Questions They Aren’t Asking…

This week has been the week I meet individually one-on-one with all my coaching clients. One of the things that came up in a few conversations was the idea that to discover what content to put out to your clients is to see what questions they’re asking and answer them. Pretty simple, right? I challenged…

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Are You A Lone Wolf?

Do you sometimes feel like a lone wolf in your business? In your life? Sometimes you need that. Most of the time you don’t. Lone wolves starve to death. Without their pack to protect them and help them. You may not starve to death literally. But, trying to do everything yourself will ultimately cost you…

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The Purple Flower

I pulled in the driveway like I had hundreds of times before… and I didn’t notice anything different than I ever had. As usual, I was focused on other “things”. As I got out of the car and walked toward the front door… there it was. One, single purple flower in what might have once…

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Does Your Business Run By Your Rules OR Somebody Else’s

Have you ever found yourself answering the question about why you’re doing something with “because THEY told me to?” Who’s They? When you do things because everyone else is doing it or because you saw it on somebody else’s social media feed, take heed. Are you the leader in your business or are you following?…

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The Importance of Knowing Why You Do What You Do

Do you think about the reasons WHY you do what you do? Or do you just do things to get them done? Or because you’re “supposed” to do this or that? There is strategy and then there’s flying by the seat of your pants and being haphazard about the things you do. Specifically, in your…

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