Strategically & Profitably
Move Your Business Forward...
Faster & Farther Than You Have
In The Last 9 Months...In Only 12 Hours!
Give me 12 hours and we’ll add profits, set your focus, design a specific plan for your next 90 days, and have you moving forward, faster with laser focus like never before.
Shifting and changing is the one constant you can count on in your business…and your life, in general.
The world changes faster than ever before.
And it keeps speeding up…or so it seems!
Want to move your business forward faster and farther in a day and a half than you’ve done in the last nine months???
"Higher Income... Working Less Hours"
“I’m working about half the hours I used to work, and I have a higher income than before Covid. I’m playing more than ever! Not working all the time like I was before I started working with you!
You’ve helped me grow my business. I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished over the past few years. You’ve helped me so much and I’m so grateful... you seem like family!! Truly, I mean that!”
Susan Pelland
Upton, MA
Are You Ready For The Changes?
The pandemic brought about more changes than most people were ready for.
More changes than many could keep up with.
Businesses were caught off guard and many suffered.
And some closed…
Others flourished and had their BEST years yet!
Ever wonder why some close and go out of business while others Thrive?
I’ve identified 5 specific things that set successful businesses apart from the rest!
If you want to know what those 5 things are, so you can do them and do more of them, join me for the Shift-It Bootcamp™, May 23-25, 2022, from 9:00am – 1:00pm Eastern time...on Zoom. It’s a virtual event!
"Created, Designed & Launched The Program In Just 90 Days… And Had Paying Members!"
“I’d been thinking about launching a line of gourmet sauces and seasonings, but never put much energy behind it. Diane proclaimed one day that… Carlton, if there was ever a time to pull the trigger and make this happen, now is the time.
I struggled with what to offer. Diane challenged me to design and launch my program. I thought there was no way I could do that...
I designed the whole program during the 2-day event, and I had clients signed up the very first month. I never dreamed that would happen!
I am so grateful for Diane’s foresight, knowledge, tutorship, and encouragement. Without her this new revenue stream would have never been created.
We launched the program and it’s far exceeded any of my expectations.
Thank you so much Diane for believing in me and encouraging me. With your help, we’ve created a model that has and will continue to change the course of my business forever. I am forever grateful.”
Carlton Brown
Atlanta, GA
May 23-25, 2022
9am-1pm Eastern
Virtual Event
Ready To See Real Changes In Your Business...
Give me a day and a half (4 hours for 3 days) and you’ll walk away with your...
- Strategy for Growth for the next 12 months
- Customized Action Plan
- Discover how to attract your ideal prospects
- Turn them into high paying clients
- Specific Detailed Business Focus for the next 90 Days so you will finally implement the most important things in our business...and double your profits!
- Leveraged System so you can do less while making more money and have more freedom
If you’re looking for Clarity, Action and Profits (this is my CAP Formula...and I’ve never talked about it before or shared it at a live event...this will be the first time ever!)...
The Shift-It Bootcamp™ is the place for you to be!
"Diane Will Help You Monetize Every Aspect of Your Business… And, You’ll Have A Blast Doing It Too!"
“I just attended Diane’s event and got an opportunity to work with Diane on the marketing of my business. She gave me this incredible roadmap to say what I wanted to say, do what I want to do, and to reach the people I want to reach in a way that can serve more people and create more income for my business.
She has the information and ability to really help you understand how to monetize your business with the right funnels, the right focus, and in a way to really take your gifts and turn them into serving your people, creating massive amounts of income and having an awesome time doing it.
If you get the chance to have Diane help you with your business, you should do whatever it takes to make it happen!”
Jenn August
San Jose, California
May 23-25, 2022
9am-1pm Eastern
Virtual Event
The Truth Is Change Happens All The Time… It’s Constant!
If you’ve been in business for more than 5 years, you’ve probably made some big changes during that time.
If you’ve been in business for more than 10 years, then you’ve been through some stuff!!
And you survived...
Now, it’s time to THRIVE!!!
Your business might look completely different now than it did when you started.
Or than what you had planned...
And that’s ok!
As a matter of fact, it’s perfect!
The hard truth is you have a choice!
It’s 100% up to you!
You can sit around and watch as the world goes by... passes you by.
OR you can take a hold of that very same world... those very same changes and decide to hold it ALL in your hands.
Make your own world. Make your own choices!
It’s not fate... nothing happens by chance!
It’s up to you – make the choice!
Stay where you are
(and maybe be miserable) ...
OR make your own world!
Your way!!
You Learn As Much, Actually More, When Things Don’t Work The Way You Want As You Do When You Have A BIG WIN!
Russell Brunson says he doesn’t want to learn from anybody who hasn’t crashed at least once... and he prefers twice.
Because if you can rebuild a business after you’ve faced diversity, nothing will ever stop you.
You can do it again and again!
And the lessons learned are invaluable!
What if you could avoid a Big Dip like this altogether?
You Can...
What if 12 hours could change everything?
It Can...
"I Went From A 5-Figure To A 6-Figure Business in Just A Few Weeks"
I’ve been following Diane for a long time and watching what she is up to because there aren't many women who have a high profile in marketing specifically in the kind of areas in which she excels.
Something that has always really struck me about Diane is her generosity. She is so very generous. She gives so much that I am always blown away.
I have a business that is growing at a phenomenal pace. To grow my business, so I'm not completely stressed out all the time, I needed to have really good systems in place. I was shocked when I walked away after 2 days with systems for my business I never had before.
Then, to have my business go from 5 to 6-figures just a couple months after the event... with the systems I developed while I was there... I am beyond thrilled!! And now, 4 months after the event, my business is 10 times what it was before I attended Diane’s event... and well on my way to 7-figures thanks to Diane’s help!
Diane has won international awards for her marketing expertise and to have that kind of input into your business is invaluable.
Diane is so very generous with her time and expertise. The support and non-judgment are amazing.
You have somebody with actual expertise, skills and knowledge. AND Diane openly shares and supports you.
Diane, thank you so much. You’re a complete superstar and I love working with you.
Alison Rothwell
Lancashire, UK
May 23-25, 2022
9am-1pm Eastern
Virtual Event
Discover The 5 Simple, Specific Things To Make Your Business Successful...
Like Those In The Top 5-10%
Of Your Industry!
5 Things!
Can you do 5 simple things?
Sure you can...
Anybody can – you just have to know what they are!
Want to know how I’ve helped 1,317 businesses grow, shift, adapt and become 6, 7 and 8 figure earners?
I’ll show you exactly how at the Shift-It Bootcamp™, May 23-25, 2022, from 9:00am – 1:00pm Eastern time.
May 23-25, 2022
9am-1pm Eastern
Virtual Event
What’s The Shift-It Bootcamp All About?
Business Growth...
Increased Profits...
Your Complete Marketing Action Plan (MAP)...
The CAPS System... (Clarity – Action – Profits)
5 Step Success Framework
And more!!
If you’re looking for a concentrated way to get things done in your business... AND, not just little things you can do anytime, but the important things.
The things that will make you money and build Success, not just for today and tomorrow, but Long-Term Success AND Profits... this is the place to be!
When was the last time you sat down and worked ON your business... uninterrupted for more than a few minutes?
Imagine what you could accomplish if you did...
"This Isn’t An Event Full of Hype & Hoopla…
I Leave With A Clear Plan And Start
Implementing Right Away"
“I don’t have time to waste sitting in workshops and seminars that leave me with an uplifted feeling that lasts only as long as it takes to get back to the piles of papers and emails at my desk.
Time at Diane’s event is not spent on shallow hype and hoopla. The path for your business is clear and ready to implement by the time you leave.”
Joan Ford
Syracuse, NY
May 23-25, 2022
9am-1pm Eastern
Virtual Event
What You’ll Walk Away With After The Shift-It Bootcamp

This Bootcamp Is For You If...
If you’re serious about moving your business forward faster and farther in a day and a half than you have in the last nine months...
If you feel even a little stuck or stymied, or have in the past 12-24 months this will release all that and get you moving again in the right direction... to a positive path to greater profits and success... no matter how YOU define that...
You know you’re the bottleneck in your business and aren’t quite sure how to fix that...
If you’re looking for real help, from somebody whose been around the block (a time or 2.. .or 10... or 30) and has learned a lot of lessons that can save you time, energy and money. Somebody who cares about your business as if it were their own.
If you’re looking for help and are tired of events where you might be excited and feel good when they’re over, but NOTHING ever really changes in your business. At the Shift-It Bootcamp™, you’ll get one-on-one attention, customized to you... not cookie-cutter BS that doesn’t work.
If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and do the work... not just talk about it and give it lip service. This is a Bootcamp where you will implement and get stuff done FAST!!!
If you’re looking for real answers that produce profits and growth that you can leverage and scale... so...
If you’re ready to own a business where you aren’t doing all the work all the time and have no time to enjoy yourself. That means if you can’t take time off and not be attached to your phone, email, text, social media and the office every minute you’re away... this is for you. Imagine, finally being able to take a week off and not have to check in – AND have more money in your bank account than when you left... then being able to be gone for 2 weeks, a month... or more!!!
Let's do this!
May 23-25, 2022
9am-1pm Eastern
Virtual Event
To Your Success –
PS – If you’re ready to finally have the business of your dreams and you want to know how to have that no matter what’s happening in the world, the economy, or anything else, the Shift-It Bootcamp™, May 23-25, 2022, from 9:00am – 1:00pm Eastern time (virtual) will show you exactly that.
PPS – This is a bootcamp, not a sit around and be talked at and do-nothing event. If you aren’t fully committed to making the last three quarters of this year your best ever then this event isn’t for you. There is a strict limit of 30 participants so please don’t take somebody else’s spot if you don’t want your very own customized business framework, strategy, map, implementation and leverage plan! YES, you’re going to get all that... and more... in 12 hours with me
PPPS - Take advantage of my 100% unconditional money back guarantee. Participate in the entire event and if you aren’t 100% happy, feel like you didn’t get more than your money’s worth, or for ANY other reason are unhappy, I’ll give you your money back.

May 23-25, 2022
9am-1pm Eastern
Virtual Event
Want to learn more about our amazing event? You can always contact us directly. We promise to answer all questions and respond to all inquiries.