Tag Archives: business coach

Is Coaching About Holding Space?

I don’t think coaching is all about holding space and asking questions as somebody said the other day… not at all! As a matter of fact, I’d go so far as to say that is a bit off the wall. I can’t imagine Tiger’s Wood’s putting coach, Serena Williams former tennis coach, Steph Curry’s shooting…

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How To Find Your Ideal Coach

First, let me tell you this isn’t some slick message designed to trick you or convince you to coach with me…I wouldn’t do that. Instead, I hope you’ll get some wisdom you can use when you’re looking for a coach or even a mastermind…you might event find this information applicable if you’re considering investing in…

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You Don’t Need Accountability…Do You?

Why do we have teachers instead of learning what we need to learn on our own? Why do we have tests instead of just learning and going to the next thing? Why do we have bosses when we have jobs? The answer to all those questions is simple… …Accountability! For most of us, even us…

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Do You Think Coaching Is About Holding Space?

I don’t think coaching is all about holding space and asking questions as somebody said in a Facebook group the other day…not at all! As a matter of fact, I’d go so far as to say that is a bit off the wall.  I can’t imagine Tiger Woods’ putting coach, Serena Williams’ tennis coach, Kobe…

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The Question I Couldn’t Answer…And It Scared Me!

Not too long ago, a coach, mentor and friend asked me this simple question… “Diane, what do you do for fun?” The scary thing was that I had no real answer for her. I started off by saying “I have fun working in my business,” to which she quickly asked for an answer outside of…

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