Tag Archives: Business Strategy

Working In Business Instead Of On Business

Your business goes as you go.  If you spend all your time working in your business, your business will not grow, because you aren’t taking the time to think about its growth and how you want to market your business.  The one thing in your business you need to have a handle on, and be…

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Continue Your Marketing Research and Marketing MORE – Especially During a Recession

You are probably reading the title of this article and thinking, “Marketing is the last thing on my mind.” Times are tough. Many companies are eliminating jobs in the thousands, people are struggling to pay bills, and therefore consumer spending has decreased. The news is dismal.  Don’t believe it! As a small business owner, I…

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Book Review of “Million Dollar Consulting” by Alan Weiss

Wow, 384 pages of relatively small print. This was a good book, filled with a lot of great consulting tips, strategies, and advice on topics I hadn’t even imagined. That said, I have to tell you I thought I might never finish it, but I did…over time. It’s not so much the size of the…

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No Plan, No Direction, No Success

Many entrepreneurs think of themselves as spontaneous people.  Get an idea, act on it, and it will automatically become an overnight success.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t usually happen that way.  And, it probably won’t happen that way for you. Despite what you may have heard, most “overnight successes” took a lot of hard work and planning. …

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If It Works, Do More Of It, Don’t Stop

Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. I am always amazed when I see a client, marketer, or entrepreneur stop doing what’s working.  And, sometimes I even begin to twitch when they give me the reason they stopped. I got a frantic call from an associate not too long ago.  He was in…

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How To Create A Great Squeeze Page That Sucks In Leads Like Crazy

When you create a squeeze page, you need to make sure that you have a clear offer for the visitors and prospects that are going to be landing on your site. The sole purpose of the squeeze page is to capture leads and nothing else.  That means if you want to maximize the number of…

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Book Review of “The Dream Manager” by Matthew Kelly

This book was a pretty quick read and I finished it in just a couple days. It’s a powerful book, written in a story format, all about a janitorial company that significantly reduces its turn over, and dramatically increases profits while changing lives, by helping their employees achieve their dreams. Some of them become home…

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