Tag Archives: Business Strategy

You Are About To Miss Out on This…

7 days away…next Thursday is when it happens… The “Strategic Path To Profits™” event! Go to www.StrategicPathToProfits.com now! Not only is the venue beautiful, not only will you be well taken care of and treated like royalty, but you will not feel exhausted at the end of the day or the two days we spend…

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What Is THIS?

Is it really November 1st? Already? Well, that can only mean ONE thing…we are exactly 2 weeks away from the start of “Strategic Path To Profits™!” I’m inviting you to the “Strategic Path To Profits™,” event November 15-16, in Atlanta, Georgia. AND, today and tomorrow ONLY, you can attend for only $97… That’s right –…

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Maybe You Shouldn’t Own A Business?

Not everyone is cut out to be a business owner…not everyone should own their own business… Bold statement? Maybe…also a fact… If you have owned a business for more than 5 years, congratulations!  You’ve already done something most business owners don’t do…survive the first 5 years. It takes an amazing person to successfully own a…

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Do You Quit Too Early?

Quitting isn’t something I am very familiar with…as a matter of fact I may be the person who holds on too long to things…but I always fight for what I believe in and what I want! Do you? I remember quitting the band my freshman year in high school. There was no way for me…

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I Believe In You…Do You Believe In You?

Sometimes in life, and in business, all it takes is for somebody to believe in you for you to succeed… …even if you don’t believe it yet! I’m not talking about fake it until you make it. Sometimes it’s hard to believe you can do something you haven’t done. If you can go ahead and…

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Are You Investing In Your Business…And Your Marketing?

We invest in so many things in our lives… …homes, education, stocks, and the list goes on and on. Do you invest in your business?  In your marketing? If you are investing in your business and your marketing, how much? Your business is your livelihood, it’s what you do, it’s how you put food on…

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The US Open, Wimbledon & Your Business

You may be wondering what tennis has to do with your business. And, in case you’re wondering, no, this isn’t about Serena Williams and what happened at this year’s US Open in the women’s final match. Instead, I want you to think about how different the US Open and Wimbledon are. It was said this…

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May Showers & Flowers…

It’s the end of May… Now, you might have already known that (by looking at the calendar) but it just seems unreal to me.  With the move back to Atlanta and everything else going on – new clients, speaking opportunities, and everyday life kinds of things that we all have – time has flown by…

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Can You Really Double Your Income?

That’s really your question right? You don’t doubt that other people can double their incomes…you might not even doubt that I can help people do this. What you doubt, what you question, what you really want to know is… Can you double your income? The answer is yes, you absolutely can (and I can help…

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Are You The Only One Working Hard?

I know, I know…I’m not supposed to use that word! Work! I always find it funny when people say you aren’t supposed to make them think it’s work…well, as a business owner, you know you have to do some work, right? Then why are we trying to fool everyone? I’ve just never understood that logic….

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