As of today, we are officially into the second half of this calendar year. Are you wondering where the first six months of the year went? Are you halfway to your 2021 goals? Financial and otherwise. Or do you have to hit the accelerator now and play catch-up? I hear it all the time… “I…
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Last week was literally the best week of my life. What does that have to do with you? Everything… Because you can choose to have your best week too. I made the decision to completely unplug while I was in Cocoa Beach, Florida last week and be fully present with myself and my love. I…
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Nothing says rest, relaxation and rejuvenation to me like sand, the beach and crashing waves! When was the last time you took time off to enjoy and just kick back? No laptop, no cellphone ringing off the hook, no emails! Just you and whatever you love to do to unwind and let loose… Time to…
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I don’t love doing cardio work. I do it because I know it’s good for me and I always feel better afterwards. I often challenge myself when I’m doing cardio… and sometimes I play games with myself as I walk. This weekend as I started out, my plan was to do three miles. As I…
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Are you working all week this week or are you taking Friday off to turn your 3-day weekend into 4? Memorial Day marks the unofficial beginning of summer for many. I have a feeling this year there may be a lot of celebrations and get togethers that we haven’t been able to do in a…
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As a business owner we’re sometimes, most times, the bottleneck. We’re the ones who keep things from getting done as quickly as they otherwise might. If there is no other reason for us to move out of the way of the daily operations of our business – this is a great one… and there certainly…
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We don’t typically like to give things up. Letting go is hard sometimes. Have you ever noticed when you let go, when you give things up, in your life and your business, good things come to fill the void of what you left behind? So many times, as business owners, we’re looking at adding things…
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We’ll be wrapping up the last day of the “Business In 2021 And Beyond™” event in a couple hours. It’s been so inspiring for me. I’m always amazed by what people are doing, the impact they’re making and how they do it. One thing I’ve noticed is most successful people don’t overcomplicate things. They keep…
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Have you given up on your dreams? Have the day-to-day things in your business zapped some of the joy out of what you do? Maybe you’re just not feeling “it” like you used to… I’m hearing a lot of business owners talk about how tired they are right now. Tired of the grind, the day-to-day…
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How often do you take a step back, look at your business, and think about what changes you need to make? Most of us don’t do this often enough. We’re so busy working IN our businesses that we forget to work ON our business. Change is constant and inevitable. If you want something different for…
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