Tag Archives: Coaching
The 3 C’s of a successful business are (no matter what kind of business you have)… Content Community Coaching (Continuity) What is your content? Do you have good content (not great, outstanding, or out of this world)? One of the best ways to get content out to your prospects and clients is by having courses…
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2020 is coming! The New Year is only 26 days away… Are you ready for the New Year, the new decade? What do you want your life and your business to look like one year from today? It’s IMPORTANT!! What has to happen for 12 months from today for you to say, 2020 was a…
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Are YOU your harshest Critic? Do you Judge yourself harshly? Ever feel like you don’t Belong anywhere? STOP IT!! Easier said than done, you say…it’s not hard, but like everything it takes some time, attention and purposeful work to get out of the habit of talking to yourself in a way you would NEVER dream…
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As you are reading this I’m speaking to the attendees of the “Stop Marketing Start Building Your Business™” event in Atlanta. It’s truly going to be an amazing two days, 3 for my private and Platinum clients who also get a full day of Masterminding the day after the formal event. Sometimes, in my excitement…
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First, let me tell you this isn’t some slick message designed to trick you or convince you to coach with me…I wouldn’t do that. Instead, I hope you’ll get some wisdom you can use when you’re looking for a coach or even a mastermind…you might event find this information applicable if you’re considering investing in…
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Why do we have teachers instead of learning what we need to learn on our own? Why do we have tests instead of just learning and going to the next thing? Why do we have bosses when we have jobs? The answer to all those questions is simple… …Accountability! For most of us, even us…
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This will be quick because I’m currently running my very last Implementation Coaching Event and we’re having a ton of fun already with a great crowd. I wanted you to know about a special that’s good only until I finish the event – which technically is Saturday when the Platinum Mastermind is over, so you…
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Whether you’re a football fan or not, whether you plan to watch Super Bowl Sunday or not, and whether you like Peyton Manning or not, there are a lot of business (and life) lessons that can be learned from all of this. The commercials are always an education in and of themselves, but this year…
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Do you struggle with how much to charge clients for your programs, products and services? Are you looking for a specific formula for pricing? You can relax in knowing that most business owners struggle with this issue at some point in their careers, and there is no one formula that fits for everyone or every…
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Do you consider that you have more than one kind of client? I don’t mean that you have male and female clients, or A clients and B clients, or any kind of segment of your client list. What I mean is, do you consider that you have internal and external clients? An external client is…
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