We talk about leverage all the time. Do you have leverage in your business? Like this… Can you go from working all the time, doing everything in your business… And still having things fall through the cracks… … to a more systematic approach where you can automate and delegate while optimizing so you can work…
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Implementation is about completions! Not how many projects you have going at the same time. What’s finished and off your desk at the end of the day? That’s execution and implementation! Stop being the bottleneck in your business! How do you get more done? Simple… not always easy – until you start doing it, but…
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Do you have a MAP for your business? MAP stands for Marketing Action Plan. Your MAP should lead to your Growth Profit System (or Strategy)… your GPS! I’ll never forget hosting my first fall event and after leading a room full of very successful business owners through the first part of this process, I asked…
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So many business owners talk about strategy but don’t strategically set their business up to have success. Instead of having a sound, designed strategy, they just randomly do things in their businesses. To be fair, even a stopped clock is right twice a day…so sometimes, this haphazard way of doing things works for a while….
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When I looked at the date this morning, it made me smile… BIG! Today’s a special day! Special because it’s my someone special’s birthday! Truly a day to celebrate! As I started to think about it, I realized every day is somebody’s special day. Every day is somebody’s birthday. And every day is a day…
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Can you believe it’s September already? And, we’re heading into Labor Day weekend… What will your last quarter of 2021 look like? Are you 75% of the way to your goals and can just stay steady as you work at a nice pace to finish out the year? Or, are you behind and playing catch…
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Over the years I’ve trained my brain to look for marketing and business lessons… pretty much everywhere. And there are some great examples to learn from. For years, I marveled at Carnival Cruise Lines and all the marketing they did. Some of it’s very subtle and some of it’s more obvious. From the minute you…
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Most of us don’t celebrate enough! We let our wins go by like it’s just another day. As entrepreneurs, we move on to the next thing so quickly we barely notice something special just happened. It’s on to the next goal, to the next accomplishment… as we continue to chase the proverbial carrot that’s dangling…
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Last weekend, I returned to Ohio where I grew up to attend my 40-year high school reunion. So many things popped up for me as I visited with some friends and drove past homes and into neighborhoods and took some time to reminisce and think about my time there. First is that time changes things……
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Do you ask for help when you need it? Or are you like me, and a lot of entrepreneurs… and you’re just really bad at it? I’d go so far as to say a lot of us suck at it! How much time and energy do you waste trying to figure things out for yourself?…
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