It’s easy to get overwhelmed in life and in business. And, sometimes, we let things overwhelm us that are actually good things. A simple paradigm shift can change everything… There’s always an upside to everything you do in your business. And everything that happens in your business. Have to separate from a team member? There’s…
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You have 2 choices about how you handle the next two and a half months… You can sort of blow it off and take a wait and see attitude. You can say 2020 was a bad year, it sucked, and you’ll be glad when it’s over. OR… You can start fresh. Right now. In this…
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How often do you look at your business to see what’s working and what isn’t? Do you consider what programs to add and which ones you should eliminate on an annual basis? At Your 90 Day Year™” November 9th-12th, we’ll do just that. I’ll lead you through a process so you can get clear on…
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Words are important. And, the most important words are the ones you say to yourself! The most important thing anyone says to you is what you say to yourself. Your weight is in your words and how you impact the world. As a business owner, you have the ability to impact the world in ways…
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You might know I like sports… so this past weekend was a great weekend. College and pro football returned… And, the US Open tennis championships were played. First, the women’s championships. Victoria Azarenka hadn’t played in a Grand Slam title in 7 years. She just returned to tennis after being gone for 3 years. Naomi…
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Are you thinking about next year? Hoping 2021 will be different? Are you feeling stuck where you are? Concentrating on how crappy 2020 is and has been… Are things feeling a little scary right now? This is a critical time to start thinking about how you’re going to make 2021 different… … no matter what’s…
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Do you hate to plan? Hate the thought of it? Think of it as boring and a waste of time? Why do you need a plan in your business? It’s just going to change anyway… A plan helps you focus. It keeps you on track. It’s like using the GPS in your car. A plan…
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Business and marketing involve a lot of problem solving. I worked for one of my mentors for a while. He told me one of my highest skill sets was my ability to problem solve. Can you set your plan in place and still be flexible enough to change if need be? When unexpected things…
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Words are important. The ones you say to yourself AND the ones you say and communicate to others. Using words in business to tell stories and get your message across is one of the most important things you can do. We all learn (and buy things) from stories. We remember stories… …not facts and…
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I’ve been contemplating what to do about my usual fall event. People always get such amazing results. You walk away with your entire plan for the next year AND, the details of exactly what you’re going to do for the next 90-days. Step-by-step! It’s truly a hands-on event with a lot of Implementation. With…
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