Tag Archives: Complete Marketing Systems


As we roll into Memorial Day weekend, I hope you find your business rolling along – at least as well as it was at the beginning of the year…if not better than it was then. Several people responded to a Facebook post I put up earlier this week that their businesses were doing great and…

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Just Say No To Pivoting

I’ve heard so many people say there were surprised and taken off guard by our current situation. It’s interesting to me to hear that because the virus was in other countries before it was here. Did we really think it wasn’t going to affect us? I started talking to my clients about the modifications and…

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The Changing Landscape of Life

Do you ever see something and have a lightbulb go off in your head? That happened to me Monday. I was doing my mid-morning Facebook check and saw a post about things that I grew up with that aren’t around anymore and it struck me how so many times we’re surprised when change happens. In…

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Secure Your Business With This

Security… …is there such a thing? As business owners and entrepreneurs, we tend to risk more than out counterparts who have jobs. One way to add security to your life and your business is to have a continuity program. Some people call these membership programs – what they don’t understand is there is SO MUCH…

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Does Your Business Have The 3 C’s For Success?

The 3 C’s of a successful business are (no matter what kind of business you have)… Content Community Coaching (Continuity) What is your content? Do you have good content (not great, outstanding, or out of this world)? One of the best ways to get content out to your prospects and clients is by having courses…

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The World’s Best Business…In All Economic Times

To say this is a strange time would a bit like saying grass is green or something like that. True, but obvious… Not to sound callous but life and business goes on and it’s up to us to figure out how to move forward in ways that make sense for us.  One of the things…

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How To Produce A Lot of Content…FAST!

Do you think of writing and producing content as hard, complicated and a lot of work? What if it didn’t have to be that way… Sometimes, we make things harder than it has to be. Reusing and repurposing is an excellent, and easy, way to get a lot of content out without having to produce…

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How Are You Doing?

Does it seem a little bit like the world has slowed down these past few weeks? We each have the choice about how we spend or invest our time each and every day. That may sound simplistic, but it really is the truth. You can choose to focus on the news and all the updates,…

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Dependable Income

Are you looking for some ways to have a dependable income no matter what the economy is doing or what’s going on in the world? Let’s be real…there is no such thing as a sure thing and as times change, we have to change with them. That being said, there are things we can do…

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What Does It All Mean…And What Are YOU Doing?

Does it feel a little bit like the whole world has turned upside down and gone a little crazy? And, that it happened overnight… Things change, we all know that – sometimes quicker than others. Talking to colleagues, clients and friends for the last week or so has been both enlightening and interesting to say…

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