Tag Archives: Complete Marketing Systems

Working Alone

Bill Glazer used to say being an entrepreneur was the “loneliest job in the world.”  Many days, I agree. I was reminded of Bill’s quote as I walked on the beach, while I was in Florida. I observed animals both in groups and in solitude. Today, I want to address the ones that were alone…

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Rest & Rejuvenation…Critical Part of Business

Sometimes you have to take a step away to really rest…as in do nothing. No schedule to keep, no appointments, no plans, just nothing. Just time. Time to do what you want, to rest and to give your brain time to just be. If you have kids, especially young ones, it’s harder to do, takes…

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Your Business Seasons

Growing up on a working farm teaches you a lot can be applied to business (if you just look and listen…but almost nobody grows up on a farm anymore). For example, all farmers and gardeners know you have to prepare the land before you plant the seed, and you have to plant the seed before…

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What’s The Point Anyway?

Marketing, webinars, live events, emails, funnels, sales, team, strategy, merchant account, CRM, joint ventures, affiliates, accounting, speaking, social media, clients… And, the list goes on and on. What is it? Just a short list of all the things you have to think about when you own your own business.  It really could be a lot…

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What Is Marketing Really?

Marketing sometimes gets a bad rap… People will say things like “it’s yucky” or “it makes me feel dirty” and the list goes on and on. If that’s true for you, then what you’re experiencing is Not Marketing – at least not marketing done the way it should be. Marketing can be defined in many…

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The Marketing Triangle – Part 4, The Wrap Up

The Marketing Triangle is a 3-Step Formula. The good news is it’s not a recipe that has to be followed exactly. BUT, you do HAVE to include all 3 Parts and they have to all line up in order for the formula to work properly. In Other Words…if you get 2 out of 3 right,…

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The Marketing Triangle – Part 3, Media

Maybe your first thought when you saw the word MEDIA was Social Media and that is certainly what most people think of today… …AND, I want you to branch out a bit and EXPAND your thought process for just a few minutes… Yes, Social Media works for SOME MARKETS, but not all. More importantly, knowing…

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The Marketing Triangle – Part 1, Market

Today is Zach’s birthday (in case you don’t know, Zach is my oldest dog, a Welsh Pembroke Corgi) – he is 14. So, he’s enjoying a Frosty Paw (it’s like ice cream…only for dogs) and enjoying his day. In case you’re wondering, Barnabas (my 10-year-old Corgi) is also having a Frosty Paw to help Zach…

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The Marketing Triangle – Part 2, Message

Your MESSAGE to your MARKET is important! AND, you don’t have to be a world class copywriter to connect in the right way with your audience. If you have your target MARKET right, your message only has to be GOOD for you to make a BIG impact and A LOT of money (at the same…

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You Belong, No Critics & A Judgement Free Zone…Really!

Are YOU your harshest Critic? Do you Judge yourself harshly? Ever feel like you don’t Belong anywhere? STOP IT!! Easier said than done, you say…it’s not hard, but like everything it takes some time, attention and purposeful work to get out of the habit of talking to yourself in a way you would NEVER dream…

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