Direct response marketing is marketing aimed at getting a response from the client or prospect. It’s usually in the form of a purchase or a lead. This type of marketing has been around for a long time. It has evolved to include many channels such as direct mail, email, and more recently, digital channels like…
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Well… March Madness is over… Did you team win? I saw an article that said March Madness will cost employers $17B this year in lost productivity as workers slack off. That’s a lot! I love the unpredictability of the tournament. The teams that upset favorites or higher ranked teams. The teams who’ve never been to…
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It’s springtime already. It might be cliche, but time really does go by fast. Faster and faster as I get older, I think. Of course, it doesn’t really move faster… time is consistent. It moves at the same rate every day… at the same rate for all of us… no matter who you are or…
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I read a lot! During one of my moves, the movers counted 56 boxes of books. The last time I moved, I had paired that down to 23. Still… a lot of books (and that doesn’t count the ones on my Kindle). And, in case you’re wondering… I’ve read about 90% of those books. Some…
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There’s always a lot going on in the world it seems… and it’s always interesting what we choose to focus on. The Oscars were Sunday… the Men’s and Women’s March Madness brackets were finalized… and then there was the whole Silicon Valley Bank collapse… until the US government stepped in. Were you focused on any…
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Have you seen the movie “Moneyball”? It was on over the weekend, and I decided to watch it again. Several years ago, the coach I was working with sent this movie to two members of her coaching program to watch. It seemed like an odd choice at the time. A movie about baseball. A very…
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We all use tools, in our lives and in our businesses. Have you noticed there are some “new” tools available to our businesses right now and it seems to be all everyone’s talking about? Yes, I’m talking about AI. Chat GPT. Jasper. And I’m sure there are more I haven’t listed. One thing is for…
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Life, like business, can throw you some unexpected curveballs on occasion. No big story… I just wanted to share a few of the things I’ve learned overcoming some challenges in the last few weeks. Mine have been more of the personal nature than business lately but it seems to me the same lessons apply. A…
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Everybody’s talking about the late hit out of bounds with just a few seconds left in the Cincinnati vs. Kansas City game during the game last weekend. The penalty allowed KC to kick the game winning field goal as time ran out. I’m not naming names here for a reason – it doesn’t matter (and…
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During my second visit in only 10 days, to the Orthopedic Surgeon’s office, last week, the PA looked at me and said “have you considered a cane”? I’m 59, not 89… To say I was a little less than open to the idea would be an understatement (a major one)! At the time my knee…
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