Tag Archives: Diane Conklin

Are You Living Your Dream… Or Somebody Else’s

Are you living your dream or somebody else’s? How’s that for hitting you square in the forehead today? I heard this question over the weekend, and it took my breath away a little bit. It reminded me of a conversation I recently had with a plumber who was at my house fixing a water geyser…

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Taken Your Foot Off The Accelerator For The Rest of The Year?

It’s the middle of November (almost). Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away. The weather’s getting colder (or cooler… depending on where you live). Christmas and the December holidays are right around the corner. That means parties and more time with family and friends. The natural tendency is to start to pull back a little…

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What’s Your Excuse?

Do you have “reasons”, or do you recognize when you’re making excuses? You might call them reasons, but in my experience, many times we make excuses instead of taking ownership… especially when things go wrong. Many of us talk about being real or taking ownership but it’s sometimes harder to do than it is to…

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Pulling Weeds

Do you have weeds in your business? Watch this 7:32 video to find out… it might just change your business – DRAMATICALLY! What kind of weeds do you have in your business? How many different kinds of weeds are growing in your business? The weeds in your business are keeping you from having a business…

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Of Course You Do… Are YOU?

I spent last weekend in Ohio where I grew up. Surrounded by fields of corn and soybeans and open spaces. With friends and family and my love. It was a great long weekend. It took me back to my roots a little bit. While I was there, I was reminded of some of my core…

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Is Your Business Optimized?

Optimization! Is a constant and ongoing process in your business. How do you know what’s working AND what can work better? By continually optimizing – your processes, your systems, your marketing and more… You… and your business… get better on purpose. Not by accident or happenstance. Optimization is an ongoing process that requires your attention….

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In Ways You Never Thought Possible

We talk about leverage all the time. Do you have leverage in your business? Like this… Can you go from working all the time, doing everything in your business… And still having things fall through the cracks… … to a more systematic approach where you can automate and delegate while optimizing so you can work…

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Are You Good At Implementation?

Implementation is about completions! Not how many projects you have going at the same time. What’s finished and off your desk at the end of the day? That’s execution and implementation! Stop being the bottleneck in your business! How do you get more done? Simple… not always easy – until you start doing it, but…

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Is Your MAP Leading You To GPS?

Do you have a MAP for your business? MAP stands for Marketing Action Plan. Your MAP should lead to your Growth Profit System (or Strategy)… your GPS! I’ll never forget hosting my first fall event and after leading a room full of very successful business owners through the first part of this process, I asked…

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Your Business Growth… Strategically Engineered

So many business owners talk about strategy but don’t strategically set their business up to have success. Instead of having a sound, designed strategy, they just randomly do things in their businesses. To be fair, even a stopped clock is right twice a day…so sometimes, this haphazard way of doing things works for a while….

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