Tag Archives: Diane Conklin

Dependable Income

Are you looking for some ways to have a dependable income no matter what the economy is doing or what’s going on in the world? Let’s be real…there is no such thing as a sure thing and as times change, we have to change with them. That being said, there are things we can do…

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What Does It All Mean…And What Are YOU Doing?

Does it feel a little bit like the whole world has turned upside down and gone a little crazy? And, that it happened overnight… Things change, we all know that – sometimes quicker than others. Talking to colleagues, clients and friends for the last week or so has been both enlightening and interesting to say…

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Is More Really Better?

Are you constantly pushing yourself to do more…better…harder…faster…MORE, MORE, MORE?? As business owners and entrepreneurs, we’re always striving to make more of an impact, to make more money, to be more productive and so on…that’s normal. And, not what I’m talking about here… Are you working so hard you’re always tired? Falling out (or off…

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3 Easy Steps To Developing Online Course

Do you have a course sitting in your computer…or on your mind…that you haven’t finished? Does it take you months and months to complete and finish courses? It doesn’t have to be so hard! Here are 3 simple, easy steps to develop courses… Were those 3 steps helpful? It really is that easy. You can…

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Continuity…A Case History

Do you fully understand the power of continuity income in your business? Would you like to start each month knowing you had $8,000, $20,000, $83,000 or more coming in that month and every month after that…money you could depend on and didn’t have to resell anything to get? Discover how you can… Continuity is alive…

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Be Bold

What have you done lately to be bold…in your life or in your business? Not some big, crazy, outrageous thing necessarily (although that’s great to if you want to go big and bold)… When was the last time you did something different, that was BOLD and made you stand out a little more than usual?…

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The Power of Your “Tribe”

Something happened last weekend that reminded me of Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence” (if you haven’t read it, I suggest you add it to your reading list). There is so much power in having a group of Influencers…it might be your list, it might be colleagues, or it might be others. Sometimes, it’s important that you…

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Course Correcting In Your Business

You probably know when you fly the plane uses navigational devices to get you from where you are to where you want to be. AND, that your plan is slightly “off-course” over half the time you’re in the air, but you still get to where you’re going. I’m no aviation expert, but I think you…

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30 Days In…

30 days…doesn’t seem like much does it? We still have 11 full months left in 2020. We’re only 1/12 of the way through the year. You have plenty of time…right? We all think that. Then, before we know it, the year is gone and we’re starting a new decade, and you sit wondering how you…

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The Perfect Business

Is there such a thing as a Perfect Business? If there was, what would your “Perfect Business” look like… Was that 6:55 seconds valuable for you? Did it make you think about some things that maybe you either have never thought of before or that maybe changed your way of thinking? Having products and courses…

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