Not what are you fighting against…and not the fist fight kind of fight… What are you willing to FIGHT FOR – in your life and in your business? INSERT VIDEO What do you stand for? What do you stand against? Do you let obstacles get in your way or do you maintain your excitement for…
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Funnels, funnels, funnels…you hear about funnels everywhere you go and around all turns it seems. Marketing funnels aren’t new – they just have a name now and they have turned into something we talk about. But, when do you really need a funnel? Pretty much everything in your business is or has a marketing funnel…
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You hear a lot about focus. People talk about it. They tell you to be focused or to focus… …but what does that really mean? We all tend to look outside of ourselves for all kinds of answers but especially when it comes to focus. We can get coaches and have mentors that help us…
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You may have heard the term “launch” used in many different ways and to mean different things. And, the meaning seems to have changed many times as well… When you hear the word launch these days, it usually just means somebody is coming out with a new program, product or service and they want you…
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How many ways to do you currently have to get new clients? One? Five? Twelve? Thirty-one? (to get your complimentary copy of my 99 Ways To Grow Your List reply to this email and ask for it and I’ll send it right out to you). How many are you using? And more importantly… how many…
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Today’s message is a bit different than most you get from me. Yesterday was September 11th – a day I’m sure none of us who were alive will ever forget – and for some reason it’s been on my mind a lot lately. Not sure why this particular year, but it is. Do you remember…
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There are 3 ways to quickly and easily build your business without new programs, products or services! How do you get your clients to buy more from you every time they buy something? Said another way – how do you get your clients to spend more money every time they spend money with you? How…
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Interesting question? So many people spend A LOT of time on Business plans and is that time productive or not is the question. Confused? Did you think I was BIG on Planning and now I seem to be contradicting myself… No contradiction… You need to Plan – I’m a BIG fan of Marketing Plans! I’ve…
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What does success, being successful, mean to YOU? That’s all that really matters…is what it means to you. Not what it means to your competitors, your clients, to family members or to the world at large… What does success mean, and look like, to YOU? Success, no matter how you specifically define it, is living…
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What are you known for in your business? That might be a harder question to answer than what do you stand for, but it’s an important question for you to be able to answer. And, it’s even more important that your clients and prospects know you for something… Has what you’re known for change or…
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