Your MESSAGE to your MARKET is important! AND, you don’t have to be a world class copywriter to connect in the right way with your audience. If you have your target MARKET right, your message only has to be GOOD for you to make a BIG impact and A LOT of money (at the same…
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Are YOU your harshest Critic? Do you Judge yourself harshly? Ever feel like you don’t Belong anywhere? STOP IT!! Easier said than done, you say…it’s not hard, but like everything it takes some time, attention and purposeful work to get out of the habit of talking to yourself in a way you would NEVER dream…
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As you are reading this I’m speaking to the attendees of the “Stop Marketing Start Building Your Business™” event in Atlanta. It’s truly going to be an amazing two days, 3 for my private and Platinum clients who also get a full day of Masterminding the day after the formal event. Sometimes, in my excitement…
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Magic! Easy! Free! Make money tomorrow…AND… Never work again… So many times we look for the answers in places they aren’t and the truth of the matter is there is no magic…well, except YOU! We’re all attracted to the promises of magic, pixie dust and the sizzle of it all. The bright shiny objects are…
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Are you familiar with the Yea Buts? It’s pretty common among us… …you may not even recognize you’re doing it. Do you get it now? And, more importantly, do you do it? Do you say it? Do you think it? I have a rule at my events and with my clients – No Yea Buts!…
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Frustration… Boredom… Not Getting the Results you want…and think you deserve? More than 75% of the participants I polled the other day were unhappy with the results they are getting in their business. Do you feel that way too…or have you? The question is… …Will You Do Something About IT? If you just want to…
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Are you Foundational, Action, Leverage, Developmental (Visionary), or Legacy? Most people are in the Foundational, Action or Leverage phase…and some of them are stuck there… When I started working with Jay, in his business, he was very much stuck in the action phase. Burnt out, frustrated, angry and looking to change everything about his business,…
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Do you ever struggle in your business (or your life) and end up internalizing things to the point where you actually start thinking something is wrong with you? Sometimes, things snowball and we lose our ability to separate things in our lives. If something isn’t going the way we want it to in our business…
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First, let me tell you this isn’t some slick message designed to trick you or convince you to coach with me…I wouldn’t do that. Instead, I hope you’ll get some wisdom you can use when you’re looking for a coach or even a mastermind…you might event find this information applicable if you’re considering investing in…
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Is there such a thing as a perfect business? Are you somebody who would love to have a business where you didn’t have to sell? There’s no such thing as a perfect business… There’s no such thing as a business where you don’t have to sell! It doesn’t exist – it can’t! By the very…
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