Tag Archives: Diane Conklin
We invest in so many things in our lives… …homes, education, stocks, and the list goes on and on. Do you invest in your business? In your marketing? If you are investing in your business and your marketing, how much? Your business is your livelihood, it’s what you do, it’s how you put food on…
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You may be wondering what tennis has to do with your business. And, in case you’re wondering, no, this isn’t about Serena Williams and what happened at this year’s US Open in the women’s final match. Instead, I want you to think about how different the US Open and Wimbledon are. It was said this…
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Strategy is a plan of action that is designed to get you to a particular major goal. While your strategy changes based on the outcome you want to achieve, the principles of the strategy don’t change – they are true over time, and work in the long term. (Think of your strategy like gravity –…
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Business mirrors life in many ways. You and your business also have a lot of similarities with sports and the athletes who play them. Especially the challenges and the ups and downs… One of the biggest mistakes we make is to compare where we are – of our journey – with somebody else’s…anyone else’s really….
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Have you heard or been told you shouldn’t tell people they have to Work to be successful? Have you seen the 1989 movie “Field of Dreams?” If you Build It They Will Come only happens in the movies…that movie if I’m not mistaken… The point of the matter is you do have to Work if…
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…how much you keep! In other words, your Profits! There is a big difference between your income and your profits…all that really matters is your Profit – because that’s how much money is in your bank account. It’s easy to talk about making 6-figures, or even 7…it’s harder to make that amount of Profit in…
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For several years I did an event every quarter because I talk a lot about an annual plan and then working in 90 day increments…so it made sense that every 90 days or so we needed to get back together to plan for the next 90 days. And, that was a lot of marketing and…
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There is so much talk about purpose and passion…it’s actually a bit overdone. And, it really stresses the wrong thing in most cases. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s great when and if you can make money with your passion or passions. It’s not always possible. That’s when people lose out, get frustrated, feel less…
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In case you’re wondering, that picture…it’s of my Dad, Lowell Conklin. This is how I love to remember him…well, like this or throwing a softball with me or shooting hoops or some other sports activity!! As we approach the middle of June and with Father’s Day coming on Sunday, I find myself thinking a lot…
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It’s the end of May… Now, you might have already known that (by looking at the calendar) but it just seems unreal to me. With the move back to Atlanta and everything else going on – new clients, speaking opportunities, and everyday life kinds of things that we all have – time has flown by…
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