Tag Archives: Diane Conklin

The Question I Couldn’t Answer…And It Scared Me!

Not too long ago, a coach, mentor and friend asked me this simple question… “Diane, what do you do for fun?” The scary thing was that I had no real answer for her. I started off by saying “I have fun working in my business,” to which she quickly asked for an answer outside of…

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Are You Doing What’s Most Effective?

You’re all busy running your businesses and doing things every day. The question is are you doing the right things?  Are you working in your areas of genius and generating money in your businesses every day? Do you know what the Most Effective thing is that you can be doing in your business? What gets…

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Do You Implement?

As you probably know by now, last week was another “Implementation Coaching Event™,” here in Atlanta and my long time coaching client, and friend, Karolyn Blume was awarded the Implementer of the Quarter award for all the amazing things she completed in the last 100 days. Karolyn has written an amazing book that is going…

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Make Your Business Better With This…

The first day of the “Implementation Coaching Event™” is underway and people are already asking me about the October event and how they can be sure to get one of the 20 remaining seats…yes, we’re already half way sold out for an event that’s 4 months away (that feels pretty good). One of the keys…

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$7,000 or $12….Insane!

Most of us buy on emotion and justify our decisions with logic. What happens if you take a wait and see approach instead of jumping in with both feet all at once? It’s always a rush to jump on the offer as soon as it’s made. Being decisive is a good thing…and it usually pays…

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I Quit…I’m Just Going To Go Get A Job!

Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever get so frustrated, fed up, tired, overwhelmed that you think maybe it would be easier to just go get a job and throw in the towel on your business? Is the challenge of team, your website, your shopping cart, merchant accounts, marketing, social media, not to…

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Are You The Only One Working Hard?

I know, I know…I’m not supposed to use that word! Work! I always find it funny when people say you aren’t supposed to make them think it’s work…well, as a business owner, you know you have to do some work, right? Then why are we trying to fool everyone? I’ve just never understood that logic….

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What’s Your ONE THING?

If you haven’t read the book “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, you should go to your favorite place to buy books (online or offline) and get it now!  And, if you aren’t a reader, it is available on audio as well. This short 5:59 video doesn’t do the book justice. I’ve…

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How To Avoid This Common Business Frustration Once & For All…

Are you often frustrated when working with a team member or a vendor because they don’t do things the way you asked them to, or they take longer than you wanted them to, or because there just always seems to be a gap somewhere in the process? If you’re like most of my clients and…

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How To Move A Mountain With Almost No Effort…

Leverage…that’s the secret to getting more done in the same amount of time. Leverage…is the way to get more done in your business without you being the one who does it all. Leverage…is the key to growth in your business. Tools, team, technology and automation are just a few ways to use leverage to get…

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