Tag Archives: Diane Conklin

How To Get More Done In 2 Days Than The Last 90

I sincerely hope the headline of this email got your attention – and more importantly, I hope you’ll read this short note and watch the video. It’s that important to YOUR business! Here’s the thing, everybody says they want to get more done, be more productive, and make more money…but very few actually do anything…

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Do Squirrels Distract You?

Are you easily distracted during the day as you’re trying to implement and accomplish the things you need to get done? I call it B.S.O.S. or Bright Shiny Object Syndrome! Did you know that studies have found that every time you are distracted during the day or are interrupted, it takes you 13 minutes to…

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Uncover Ways To Overcome Overwhelm…

There will always be things to do in your business and things that go undone…sometimes that fact feels overwhelmingly overwhelming! One of the times we feel most overwhelmed is when we give up our control, and forget we own our business. See what I mean here… Do you do that? Do you let your vendors,…

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Judgments In Your Business

I’m a little behind shooting video for you so I hope you don’t mind another note this week, and I’ll have a video for you next week for sure. There is so much judgment in our world today. It seems like every day on social media there are posts approving or disapproving of something, someone,…

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Just ONE Thing…That’s All

At the “Implementation Coaching Event™” we discussed a book I read and now highly recommend…The ONE Thing. Interestingly enough, like another great book you’ve probably read, the whole concept of the book is in the title.  If you ever have trouble focusing or feel like your business has hit a bit of a plateau or…

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Implementer Of The Quarter

What a whirlwind it’s been these last 3 weeks! Traveling in the bitter cold to Albany, New York to speak for a small group there, then hosting my Implementation Coaching Event & Mastermind for 3 days last week, and as you read this, I’m about to board a plane to give a full day marketing…

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Do You Have This Fear Too?

Well, the first “Implementation Coaching Event” of 2015 is well underway and I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.  It’s a small group, and we’re going to change some businesses and some lives in the next 2 days. Before I get to the video for this week, I wanted to let you know you…

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Do You Take Your Knowledge For Granted?

You are an amazing expert. You are, you just don’t always think you are…you don’t always recognize it or give yourself enough credit for what you know, what you’ve done, and how much you have accomplished. I often say, you only have to be 10 minutes ahead of where the person you’re talking to is…

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Investing In The Right Marketing Tools

With all the talk of the Super Bowl winding down, I thought this might be a good time to address a question I seem to be getting a lot lately. How do you know when it’s the right time to invest in certain tools for your business, AND how do you know which tools are…

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Overwhelm Is Costing You Money

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? How much is overwhelm costing you in your business? Do you get what I call the spinnies? There’s no reason to let overwhelm, or anything else, cost you money in your business. As a business owner, you just have to know and accept that you’re never going to be 100%…

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