Tag Archives: Diane Conklin

The Key To Success…The Walmart Way!

Patience!  Do you have patience? Are you a patient person? Are you more patient in your personal life than you are with things in your business? Are you more patient with others when they make mistakes than you are with yourself?   As busy business owners, we tend not to be very patient with ourselves….

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3 Business Questions

Teleseminars and webinars are fun, filled with content, and sometimes even provoke new and exciting thoughts. Lately, there seems to be a trend of questions being asked when I’m being interviewed on teleseminars, radio shows, podcasts, and webinars. The 3 Questions are: 1)      What’s the Book that’s made the most impact on you? 2)      What…

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Declaring Your Year…

Welcome to 2015! I hope the first few days of the new year have been exactly what you hoped they would be, and you have a great plan for achieving what you want to accomplish this year. I’d like you to take a minute to think about what the new year will bring for your…

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Ideas Are Free, Implementation Is Priceless…

It’s easy to have ideas. It’s harder to implement and execute to accomplish something toward making those ideas count. As business owners counting means your ideas make money. Discover how to go from ideas to implementation… As we approach the holidays, it’s easy to become complacent and sit back a little bit – using the…

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The Secret To Life

I was out with a friend the other day and she had something sent to Walmart instead of to her home, so we stopped by to pick it up while we were out doing other things. We had to go to the product pick-up area in the back of the store and when we got…

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How To Use Critical Thinking To Grow Your Business

Does your passion ever get confused with anger or just get misjudged? It’s happened to most of us at one time or another in our lives or our business dealings. Here’s one I’m passionate about – problem solving and using your critical thinking skills to grow your business… Ask yourself this…What can you learn from…

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Stop Burying Your Head In The Sand…

Are there things in your business that you ignore, turn away from, and just don’t want to acknowledge?  Maybe it’s because you don’t like to do them, or maybe it’s because you’re afraid of what you’ll see.  Either way, they’re still there, and ignoring them isn’t the answer. One of the biggest things business owners…

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Just Being You In Your Business Attracts Your Ideal Clients & Increases Your Profits…All At The Same Time

One of the biggest concerns for many business owners is how to be authentic in their marketing. You want results from your marketing, but you also want to avoid the in your face or the hard core marketing approach. You also want to avoid the negativity based marketing that relies on bashing others to make…

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Everything Is Marketing

Marketing is one of the most powerful tools you have in your business. Once you can begin to think of every aspect of your business as a form of marketing, you begin to think like a marketer instead of just a business owner. Your brand, your logo, your colors, your personal style and the way…

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Why Isn’t Everyone Using Direct Response Marketing?

If you own a business of any kind, you should be using direct response marketing as your primary means of advertising. Most of what you see in everyday advertising is what is referred to as image advertising. In other words, all the advertising does is bring brand or store name recognition. The problem with this…

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