Tag Archives: entrepreneur

Want To Make More? One Simple Thing… Guaranteed!

Want more clients? Want to make more money? One word… C-L-A-R-I-T-Y! People follow people who are clear in their vision, mission and purpose. Money follows clarity. Think about it… Isn’t it easier to invest and spend money when you know what you’re buying? AND in certain situations, all you have to know is the vision…

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I often write notes during presentations, while reading books, and other things I attend or see. I was looking back through some of them this weekend and found this quote… “You’re not stuck because you can’t… You’re stuck because you won’t!” That sounds like something I would say. Which is I’m sure why I jotted…

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Expect Great Things!

It was the first Sunday of the new year. It was raining and wet and we were under a flood warning. Gosh, I didn’t want to get out in that mess… so I decided to “attend” church via livestream… I didn’t even bother to get out of bed. I was laying there with my eyes…

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Something Very Unusual Happened…

I did something I almost never do… I took the last two weeks of the year off. Not entirely, I did a few phone calls and answered emails but that was about it. I watched movies. I read. I spent time with some of the most special people in my life. I slept. I rested….

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How People Buy… It’s Not How You Might Think

In today’s world, most people make big purchases based on how much it will be per month – I call this “how much a month.” Some people pay for things all at once, but the majority of people buy based on what they can afford (or perceive they can afford – a topic for another…

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Faith, Hope & Love!

We’ve all heard it before… Faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love! I can hear you now asking what in the world that has to do with business… I’d say a lot! More than you might think at first glance or mention. Faith plays a part in pretty much everything…

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On The Downhill Slide…

It’s December… You have 4 weeks left in 2021! Will you coast into 2022? Or are you focused, with your foot on the accelerator and sliding into home with a BIG WIN before the end of this year? Building momentum or coasting? Maybe you’re somewhere in between… It’s not about right or wrong here –…

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Are You Living Your Dream… Or Somebody Else’s

Are you living your dream or somebody else’s? How’s that for hitting you square in the forehead today? I heard this question over the weekend, and it took my breath away a little bit. It reminded me of a conversation I recently had with a plumber who was at my house fixing a water geyser…

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Taken Your Foot Off The Accelerator For The Rest of The Year?

It’s the middle of November (almost). Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away. The weather’s getting colder (or cooler… depending on where you live). Christmas and the December holidays are right around the corner. That means parties and more time with family and friends. The natural tendency is to start to pull back a little…

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What’s Your Excuse?

Do you have “reasons”, or do you recognize when you’re making excuses? You might call them reasons, but in my experience, many times we make excuses instead of taking ownership… especially when things go wrong. Many of us talk about being real or taking ownership but it’s sometimes harder to do than it is to…

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