Tag Archives: entrepreneur

Deal or No Deal From The Sharks…

As you may have seen last week, my friend and business associate Fran Harris was on Shark Tank. I’ve watched a lot of episodes of the Tank and it’s rare to see what I saw Friday night. Many times, I’m shocked at the easy questions contestants get stumped by, the things they don’t know and…

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Block Out Your Fears…

If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed I’ve been talking about the Netflix series I watched during the holidays. It’s called “All American” and it moved me in ways I can’t remember being moved in a very long time. In sports, and in business, we talk a lot about keys to…

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I Hate To Tell You This…

The last newsletter of 2020… … that’s not the news I hate to tell you though! The news you don’t want to hear is that NOTHING magical is going to happen at midnight tonight! I’ve been hearing talk about how they will be glad when 2020 is over. Or when we can put this year…

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The Great Debate…

Do you often wonder if you should share something or not? I do… More lately than usual. I ask myself things like: 1) Do they really care? 2) Do they want to hear about this? 3) Will they be turned off by this since it’s more personal and less “business”? 4) Will it make a…

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15 & 22

In 15 days, it will be Christmas… … 22 days from now, we’ll be celebrating a new year. What does that mean to you? What does that mean to your business? Maybe nothing… And it could mean whatever you want it to mean! New beginnings… fresh starts… something that’s never been before. Or it might…

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The Unexpected…

In life and in business, things happen that we don’t expect. I’m all for planning. Teach it. Do it. And think all business owners need to do more of it. If you plan correctly there are very few things that will catch you off-guard. I always plan for as many contingencies as possible and then…

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As you read this, I have just boarded an airplane. Headed to Ohio to bury my mom who passed last week. I’ve spent a lot of time, in the last week, reflecting on my relationship with my mom. It was complicated. And, in the end, she was still my mom. As with most of us,…

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We’re In Our Last Few Hours…

It’s Day 4 of the “Your 90 Day Year” online event so we’ll be wrapping things up today with the detailed 90-day marketing plan. Each day up until now has led up to this…the most exciting part. Tomorrow will be a full day Mastermind with my Platinum and Private clients as we wrap up a…

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New Beginnings Now!

Have you ever wished you could start over? Or does the mere mention of it make you shudder? Start Over… that’s a BIG concept! What if you thought of it as a New Beginning instead of starting over… I use the term “Start Again”! I always feel like I can start again… in the new…

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Do You Worry… All The Time?

Worry, worry, worry… Do you worry and fret that things in your business won’t work? Then, do you also worry that they will work too well? All at the same time… What if it doesn’t work and nobody buys? Then you just re-group and try some other things. What if too many people buy and…

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