Events can be an integral part of your business and it is important to gather as much information as possible before you begin. Familiarizing yourself with these common mistakes will help you become aware of some common problems. You can avoid them by first becoming aware, and then taking the necessary steps for prevention. 13…
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How many times have you gone to a seminar and listened to a speaker and thought, or said to yourself, or out loud, what did that have to do with the seminar topic I came here to learn about? If you have asked that question, it is a result of the event promoter not spending…
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Having grown up on a 75 acre farm, nobody ever talked about working right. Everybody talked about working hard. As you can imagine, we worked hard on the farm. We got up early, and with 75 acres there are a lot of things that have to be done – most if it having to do…
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What do a checkbook and a mentor have in common? When you invest in yourself, you’re investing in your ultimate success. All successful people invest in mentors and coaches to help them along the way. Whether you can write out the check for the full amount, you pay by the month, or even a few…
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Want to know more about getting people to opt-in to your list? List building is one of the most important aspects of your business-no matter what kind of business you have. It’s not enough for you to just offer people a subscription to your ezine or your online newsletter.
Decisiveness and implementation go hand-in-hand. The more decisive you are in your decisions, the quicker you pull the trigger to try something new or to get something done. It’s amazing to watch people struggle with making a commitment to even what many of us would consider the most basic decisions.
What can you add in your business that people want, and are willing to pay for, while they’re making other purchases, that can easily be added on? There are all sorts of ways to do this. There is all sorts of hidden money in your business and your challenge is to go out and find it.
Standing Apart From the Crowd As The Preferred Provider-What are the things only you can provide? The biggest thing that sets you apart and makes you different is you! And, access to you is one of the biggest advantages you have as a small businesses owner or entrepreneurs.
One of the biggest questions people ask about direct mail is isn’t everybody online these days? And, why would I invest money in my business (or what most people ask is why would I waste my money in my business) doing direct mail? First, you have to get over the misconception that everybody is online….
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It’s not often that I rent a car when I travel because I don’t really like driving when I’m not familiar with the area, unless I have a navigator sitting in the passenger seat next to me telling me where to go. But, on a recent personal trip to Atlanta, I rented a car because…
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