Tag Archives: implementation
Are you working all week this week or are you taking Friday off to turn your 3-day weekend into 4? Memorial Day marks the unofficial beginning of summer for many. I have a feeling this year there may be a lot of celebrations and get togethers that we haven’t been able to do in a…
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As you are reading this I’m speaking to the attendees of the “Stop Marketing Start Building Your Business™” event in Atlanta. It’s truly going to be an amazing two days, 3 for my private and Platinum clients who also get a full day of Masterminding the day after the formal event. Sometimes, in my excitement…
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You have to know certain things about your business… …and if you don’t then you just aren’t serious about building a business that will sustain you and your life over time. That was a bold statement I made before the video (I hope you watched the video) AND, it’s true. Do you know how big…
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There are so many terms today for marketing. The terms you hear being used aren’t really different kinds of marketing – they’re really more like different kinds of media. For example…email marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing, and internet marketing all really just describe different media that the marketing is used in. Content marketing is…
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There are always things in your businesses (and in your lives) that you’d rather not deal with. There are always going to be some things that are a challenge, or are harder to deal with than others. You can’t avoid issues, challenges, and things that aren’t fun by sticking your head in the sand. It’s…
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As you probably know by now, last week was another “Implementation Coaching Event™,” here in Atlanta and my long time coaching client, and friend, Karolyn Blume was awarded the Implementer of the Quarter award for all the amazing things she completed in the last 100 days. Karolyn has written an amazing book that is going…
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Most of us buy on emotion and justify our decisions with logic. What happens if you take a wait and see approach instead of jumping in with both feet all at once? It’s always a rush to jump on the offer as soon as it’s made. Being decisive is a good thing…and it usually pays…
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Well, the first “Implementation Coaching Event” of 2015 is well underway and I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. It’s a small group, and we’re going to change some businesses and some lives in the next 2 days. Before I get to the video for this week, I wanted to let you know you…
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You are an amazing expert. You are, you just don’t always think you are…you don’t always recognize it or give yourself enough credit for what you know, what you’ve done, and how much you have accomplished. I often say, you only have to be 10 minutes ahead of where the person you’re talking to is…
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Do you ever feel overwhelmed? How much is overwhelm costing you in your business? Do you get what I call the spinnies? There’s no reason to let overwhelm, or anything else, cost you money in your business. As a business owner, you just have to know and accept that you’re never going to be 100%…
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