Tag Archives: leverage

How Business Changes…

I was spending some time working ON my business last week (as I do every week) and I found myself reflecting on the different phases of my business, how things have changed and stayed the same, and how those things progress the longer you’re in business. Remember how excited you were to start your business….

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The Key To Business Growth In 2022

What’s the fastest way to grow your business? It’s not tricks and tactics. It’s not the latest bright shiny object or fancy software that’s just come out. It’s not by hacking funnels or anything else in your business. You grow your business first by leverage. Then you can scale. There are a lot of ways…

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The Machine You’re Missing

Do you ever wonder how some people seem to get so much done? They seem to be everywhere. You always seem to be seeing new content from them It seems like they’re machines. Implementation… Execution… Get Stuff Done… Fast! Completions! There are keys to implementing and getting things done that make life so much easier…

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In Ways You Never Thought Possible

We talk about leverage all the time. Do you have leverage in your business? Like this… Can you go from working all the time, doing everything in your business… And still having things fall through the cracks… … to a more systematic approach where you can automate and delegate while optimizing so you can work…

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Asking For Help…

Do you ask for help when you need it? Or are you like me, and a lot of entrepreneurs… and you’re just really bad at it? I’d go so far as to say a lot of us suck at it! How much time and energy do you waste trying to figure things out for yourself?…

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The Beginning of Summer And…

Are you working all week this week or are you taking Friday off to turn your 3-day weekend into 4? Memorial Day marks the unofficial beginning of summer for many. I have a feeling this year there may be a lot of celebrations and get togethers that we haven’t been able to do in a…

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What Are Your P.L.A.N.S.?

Happy New Year!  By now, you’ve had almost a full week of back at it and I hope the new year has you feeling fresh and renewed and ready for an amazing year of fresh, new things that take you where you want to go…and beyond. The foundation of your business, like the foundation of…

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What Is Leveraged Growth Anyway?

How do you get leveraged growth in your business? And, how do you do it without taking on a bunch of debt… Do you have leverage in your business or are you doing everything yourself? You can use leverage in your business to take you to new heights very quickly. And, there are a lot…

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What’s Your ONE THING?

If you haven’t read the book “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, you should go to your favorite place to buy books (online or offline) and get it now!  And, if you aren’t a reader, it is available on audio as well. This short 5:59 video doesn’t do the book justice. I’ve…

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How To Move A Mountain With Almost No Effort…

Leverage…that’s the secret to getting more done in the same amount of time. Leverage…is the way to get more done in your business without you being the one who does it all. Leverage…is the key to growth in your business. Tools, team, technology and automation are just a few ways to use leverage to get…

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