It doesn’t matter what level of marketer you are, you either have already, or will at some point in your career, make this mistake. You are going along and things are going pretty well. You’re in the middle of a marketing campaign and you’re getting good results with what you’re doing. You get through the…
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Events can be an integral part of your business and it is important to gather as much information as possible before you begin. Familiarizing yourself with these common mistakes will help you become aware of some common problems. You can avoid them by first becoming aware, and then taking the necessary steps for prevention. 13…
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How many times have you gone to a seminar and listened to a speaker and thought, or said to yourself, or out loud, what did that have to do with the seminar topic I came here to learn about? If you have asked that question, it is a result of the event promoter not spending…
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We all strive to be number one, meaning we want to be the best, we want to finish first, and we want to be ahead of the pack. I am going to tell you that the number one is the worst possible number there is in business and marketing. Why would I say that?
What can you add in your business that people want, and are willing to pay for, while they’re making other purchases, that can easily be added on? There are all sorts of ways to do this. There is all sorts of hidden money in your business and your challenge is to go out and find it.
Direct Mail, one of the media used by direct response marketers, has been around for a long time. Even with the internet and email marketing, Direct Mail is still the Number 1 choice for direct response marketers. Think about it. How many days have you gone to the mail box and not found it full…
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The bottom line is if your business/strategic/marketing plan isn’t written down, your staff isn’t going to know what to do. People don’t pick things up through “Osmosis”. I’ve been in situations, where the business owner was not reachable. Staff members had decisions that had to be made, but because there wasn’t a written plan, the…
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We all know the importance of Strategic Planning in your business. This is the overall “global” plan, if you will, for this year plus, you need to have a plan for about the next 18 months, as a minimum. It’s really not good enough to hold your plan in your head and try to figure…
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Strategic planning is essential to the success of any business. You have to look at strategic planning from a global perspective. That means the big picture – not minute details, but, its direction and scope. You start by thinking about your ultimate monetary goals for the year, product development goals, and workshop/teleseminar goals and more…
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