Tag Archives: planning

Half Baked or Halfway There?

As of today, we are officially into the second half of this calendar year. Are you wondering where the first six months of the year went? Are you halfway to your 2021 goals? Financial and otherwise. Or do you have to hit the accelerator now and play catch-up? I hear it all the time… “I…

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The Unexpected…

In life and in business, things happen that we don’t expect. I’m all for planning. Teach it. Do it. And think all business owners need to do more of it. If you plan correctly there are very few things that will catch you off-guard. I always plan for as many contingencies as possible and then…

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Do You Worry… All The Time?

Worry, worry, worry… Do you worry and fret that things in your business won’t work? Then, do you also worry that they will work too well? All at the same time… What if it doesn’t work and nobody buys? Then you just re-group and try some other things. What if too many people buy and…

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Do You Know What’s Working In Your Business Right Now?

Does that sound like a silly question? Think about it for a minute… Do you really know what’s working and what isn’t? Are you measuring? Do you have a plan for where you’re going? Or, do you just throw mud on the wall and have to clean up the mess later? So many businesses just…

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Planning For Fall

  I’ve been contemplating what to do about my usual fall event. People always get such amazing results. You walk away with your entire plan for the next year AND, the details of exactly what you’re going to do for the next 90-days. Step-by-step! It’s truly a hands-on event with a lot of Implementation. With…

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Going Into The New Year…2018

In just a few days, 2017 will be over and we’ll be ushering in 2018. The question is will 2018 be different or will it just be more of the same. Will you add 2018 as just another year of the same old, same old, where you have to learn the same lessons over again….

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Do You Hate Planning?

So many business owners and entrepreneurs say they just aren’t planners, they aren’t good at it and they sure don’t like to do it. Like so many other things in business, it doesn’t matter if you like to plan or not, you have to do it. At least some of it.  But…what if it didn’t…

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What Do The Olympics Have To Do With Your Business?

Not everyone is a sports fan, but everyone can be a fan of the Olympics.  They are always full of stories of triumph, overcoming odds, and what it takes to be a champion. And, if the opening ceremonies of the games don’t inspire you, well, I’m just not sure anything can or will.  There is…

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Master Marketing Plan

We all know the importance of Strategic Planning in your business.  This is the overall “global” plan, if you will, for this year plus, you need to have a plan for about the next 18 months, as a minimum. It’s really not good enough to hold your plan in your head and try to figure…

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No Plan, No Direction, No Success

Many entrepreneurs think of themselves as spontaneous people.  Get an idea, act on it, and it will automatically become an overnight success.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t usually happen that way.  And, it probably won’t happen that way for you. Despite what you may have heard, most “overnight successes” took a lot of hard work and planning. …

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