Tag Archives: productivity

Every Second Counts…

Every second counts… In your life and in your business! That might seem obvious to you… and it should. And, I see so many people – and business owners – wasting time, spinning their wheels, and thinking somebody else will solve their problems that it bears repeating. You’re responsible. You and you alone. You are…

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Spring Is Marching On

It’s springtime already. It might be cliche, but time really does go by fast. Faster and faster as I get older, I think. Of course, it doesn’t really move faster… time is consistent. It moves at the same rate every day… at the same rate for all of us… no matter who you are or…

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What’s Your Excuse?

Do you have “reasons”, or do you recognize when you’re making excuses? You might call them reasons, but in my experience, many times we make excuses instead of taking ownership… especially when things go wrong. Many of us talk about being real or taking ownership but it’s sometimes harder to do than it is to…

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Working Alone

Bill Glazer used to say being an entrepreneur was the “loneliest job in the world.”  Many days, I agree. I was reminded of Bill’s quote as I walked on the beach, while I was in Florida. I observed animals both in groups and in solitude. Today, I want to address the ones that were alone…

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25 Days In…How Are You Doing?

Did you promise yourself to make the new year different? If you did, I’m challenging you to take a minute to think about what you’ve done differently in the first 25 days of this year…and we’ll talk more about that in a minute. I’m not very good at doing things by myself. I don’t really…

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Sticking Your Head In The Sand…

There are always things in your businesses (and in your lives) that you’d rather not deal with. There are always going to be some things that are a challenge, or are harder to deal with than others. You can’t avoid issues, challenges, and things that aren’t fun by sticking your head in the sand. It’s…

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How To Get More Done In 2 Days Than The Last 90

I sincerely hope the headline of this email got your attention – and more importantly, I hope you’ll read this short note and watch the video. It’s that important to YOUR business! Here’s the thing, everybody says they want to get more done, be more productive, and make more money…but very few actually do anything…

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Do Squirrels Distract You?

Are you easily distracted during the day as you’re trying to implement and accomplish the things you need to get done? I call it B.S.O.S. or Bright Shiny Object Syndrome! Did you know that studies have found that every time you are distracted during the day or are interrupted, it takes you 13 minutes to…

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