Tag Archives: Small Business
Having grown up on a 75 acre farm, nobody ever talked about working right. Everybody talked about working hard. As you can imagine, we worked hard on the farm. We got up early, and with 75 acres there are a lot of things that have to be done – most if it having to do…
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What do a checkbook and a mentor have in common? When you invest in yourself, you’re investing in your ultimate success. All successful people invest in mentors and coaches to help them along the way. Whether you can write out the check for the full amount, you pay by the month, or even a few…
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Are you like the guy spinning the plates? Most of us try to juggle too many projects at one time, and end up not completing any of them, or if we do complete them they aren’t very successful. What does all of this have to do with marketing and the mistakes you might be making in your marketing and how can you balance your business for success?
Direct mail is still the best way to market to your prospects and clients. A lot of marketers and business owners don’t understand the importance of direct mail in their business. A predominant attitude is why should I spend money on mail when I can send my marketing messages out by email – which is free.
At times, we all feel a little lost, a little down, a little bored by life, business and our day-to-day, and maybe we even wonder what it’s all about and that sets us on a path of looking for our passion or our purpose.
Without giving away the whole story and the message (you have to read the book yourself for that) in this little 120 page book, we are reminded that nothing about our business or being of service is really about us – it’s about the people we serve.
Listening is an important part of our lives and our businesses. It’s important to listen to clients, to prospects, to our staff, and to ourselves.
“Switch” is a book whose principals are applicable to you whether you’re a parent, a student, an business owner, and employee, or anybody in between. Some parts of the book were logical enough but brought to my attention things I don’t often think about.
Book Review – Start With Why by Simon Sinek – There hasn’t been a book that has affected me in the way Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” has in a very long time…maybe ever, and I read a lot, so that’s saying something. To say that this book has changed me and the way I do business today would be a massive understatement.
Do You Step Over Dollars To Pick Up Pennies? Every year for the past 6 or 8 years I have taken a Friday off in the middle of December and spent the day with my best friend in Atlanta doing some Christmas shopping. We always have a great time, being silly and having fun, while getting the majority of our shopping done for the season. We always start off the day with a nice breakfast.