Tag Archives: Small Business

Are Your Marketing Messages Unclear . . . Are You Sending Messages About Cats To Dog Lovers?

I received a gardening magazine and a chef magazine in the mail the other day.  I have no idea why.  I grew up on a farm so I pulled weeds and did yard work more than the average person.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love a beautiful yard, flowers, and all that – as…

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You Won’t Take My Credit Card, Why?

No, it wasn’t that the credit card declined.  No, it the card wasn’t expired.  Yes, it had my signature on the back of the card. This frame shop didn’t take the type of credit card I was trying to use. Ok, no big deal, I’ll use the standard MasterCard or Visa that every business takes…

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13 Event Planning Mistakes To Avoid

Events can be an integral part of your business and it is important to gather as much information as possible before you begin. Familiarizing yourself with these common mistakes will help you become aware of some common problems. You can avoid them by first becoming aware, and then taking the necessary steps for prevention. 13…

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Book Review of “Money Magic” by Deborah Price

In “Money Magic,” Deborah Price discusses our relationship with money, when it starts, and how we can change it at any time in our lives.  She also talks about how our relationship our finances is part of the bigger picture of the body/mind/spirit connection to living a balanced and healthy life. Abundance and prosperity are…

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Are You Setting Up Your Speakers To Maximize Their Sales Before They Get On The Platform To Speak?

How many times have you gone to a seminar and listened to a speaker and thought, or said to yourself, or out loud, what did that have to do with the seminar topic I came here to learn about?  If you have asked that question, it is a result of the event promoter not spending…

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Book Review of “The Soul Of Money” by Lynne Twist

In “The Soul of Money,” Lynne Twist talks a lot of philanthropy and our relationship to money. How we think about money affects so many aspects of our lives – especially for those of us who are entrepreneurs and small business owners.  And, so much of how we perceive money started when we were children…with…

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Are You Working Hard or Working Right

Having grown up on a 75 acre farm, nobody ever talked about working right.  Everybody talked about working hard. As you can imagine, we worked hard on the farm. We got up early, and with 75 acres there are a lot of things that have to be done – most if it having to do…

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Why All Serious Business Owners Invest In Mentors & Coaches

What do a checkbook and a mentor have in common? When you invest in yourself, you’re investing in your ultimate success.  All successful people invest in mentors and coaches to help them along the way. Whether you can write out the check for the full amount, you pay by the month, or even a few…

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Are You Spinning Plates or Breaking Them?

Are you like the guy spinning the plates? Most of us try to juggle too many projects at one time, and end up not completing any of them, or if we do complete them they aren’t very successful. What does all of this have to do with marketing and the mistakes you might be making in your marketing and how can you balance your business for success?


Why Every Successful Business Owner, Entrepreneur, and Online Marketer Are Using Direct Mail As Part of Every Marketing Campaign

Direct mail is still the best way to market to your prospects and clients. A lot of marketers and business owners don’t understand the importance of direct mail in their business. A predominant attitude is why should I spend money on mail when I can send my marketing messages out by email – which is free.