Tag Archives: Small Business

Book Review of “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown

I’ve spent a lot of time working on myself over the past year or so and a colleague and friend put a video up of Brene Brown a few months ago and after watching it I knew I had to have more of her because she was talking about things I was working on.  This…

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Are You Making These Marketing Mistakes . . .

If you own a business of any kind, you should be using direct response marketing as your primary means of advertising. Most of what you see in everyday advertising is what is referred to as image advertising.  In other words, all the advertising does is bring brand or store name recognition.  The problem with this…

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13 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning Your Event

Events can be an integral part of your business and it is important to gather as much information as possible before you begin. Familiarizing yourself with these common mistakes will help you become aware of some common problems. You can avoid them by first becoming aware, and then taking the necessary steps for prevention. Familiarizing…

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Are You Spinning Plates or Breaking Them?

You’ve seen the guy on stage spinning the plates.  He starts at one end and gets a plate spinning, then moves to the next plate, and the next, until he gets to the end of the line of plates.  The hope is that when he gets the last plate up and spinning, all of the…

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Why Direct Mail?

Why Every Successful Business Owner, Entrepreneur, and Online Marketer Are Using Direct Mail And You Should Be Too… A lot of marketers and business owners don’t understand the importance of direct mail in their business.  A predominant attitude is why should I spend money on mail when I can send my marketing messages out by…

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Book Review of “Poke The Box” by Seth Godin

This is a small book of only about 85 pages, so it’s a pretty quick read. I’m not a fast reader by any stretch of the imagination, and it doesn’t help my reading speed that I always read with a red pen and yellow highlighter in hand. Even at my speed, I finished the book…

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How To Create A Great Squeeze Page That Sucks In Leads Like Crazy

When you create a squeeze page, you need to make sure that you have a clear offer for the visitors and prospects that are going to be landing on your site. The sole purpose of the squeeze page is to capture leads and nothing else.  That means if you want to maximize the number of…

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Who Should Be Using Social Media Today?

Do I really need to be using social media in my business is a common question and one more and more business owners seem to be asking more and more lately.  Is social media right for my business?  Do I really need to add this media to what I’m doing now?  The list of questions…

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Book Review of “The Dream Manager” by Matthew Kelly

This book was a pretty quick read and I finished it in just a couple days. It’s a powerful book, written in a story format, all about a janitorial company that significantly reduces its turn over, and dramatically increases profits while changing lives, by helping their employees achieve their dreams. Some of them become home…

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A Major Reason Businesses Fail Lack of Business Systems

One of the biggest mistakes business owners and entrepreneurs make is not having business systems in place to run their businesses.  Systems either run your business or people do.  That might sound odd because it seems obvious that you need people to run your business systems.  And, you are absolutely correct you do need people…

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