Using Multi-Step Sequential Marketing For Business Success & Increased Profits

May 8th, 2013 by under Marketing. No Comments.

When it comes to putting out new things, whether it’s a new marketing campaign, a product, a teleseminar, or webinar or anything for your business, you have to understand that you can’t just put out one message.

People need to see and hear about your something new more than once.  As a matter of fact, your clients and prospects need to hear about everything you’re doing in your business more than once.

You have to always be marketing.  How you send your messages is up to you.  It’s always best if you use multiple media and multiple channels in your marketing so you reach the biggest audience possible.

Whether you send a series of emails, faxes, voicemails, do live phone calls, ezine announcements, doesn’t matter.  Whatever you do, you need to do it more than once.

When you set up these series, it’s important to remember that as you get farther and farther into your sequence, you’re going to need to use stronger language in order to make the sale.  For example, if you’re using a five step email campaign, then in the first three steps you’re going to pretty easily sell to your on-board-with-whatever-you-say, committed and loyal clients – your raving fans.

When you get to emails four and five in the marketing sequence, you have to be a little stronger in your message.  The people who haven’t invested yet are the people who have set aside messages one, two and three.  Maybe they forgot about them.  Maybe they’re not interested.  Maybe they’re just not quite sold on what you’re saying.  Maybe they just need a little push to get them to take action.

These are the people whose attention you really need to grab.  You need to help them see that what you have is exactly what they need, and essentially draw them out and into your business.  You need to make them believe in your business as much as you do.  And, if your business is about helping others, and most businesses are in one way or another, then this should be relatively easy.

Structure is really an important strategy to your campaigns.  No matter how many steps are in your sequence, the last two or three have to be the ones that contain a stronger message.  When you capture the attention of your clients or prospects in those final stages, you’ll see your results dramatically increase, more people will purchase whatever it is that you have for them, and more people will believe in your business.

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