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Build A Strong Business Foundation – Create Information Products Like A Pro – AND, Take Your Business To The Next Level Today
Information Marketing Success Building Blocks Deluxe Home Study Program

Our Deluxe Information Marketing Course is the whole enchilada. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to Information Marketing, just getting started, are still thinking about your topic or you’re a veteran, who has a profitable business, making all the money you want and enjoy your lifestyle, you need this information. Retail businesses and brick and mortar businesses are now finding ways to attract more customers and clients and keep them by introducing information products into the stream of their business.
The Deluxe Information Marketing Course contains 9 modules, basically everything you need to build a firm foundation or expand your business. You’ll discover the top secrets about: Direct Response Marketing, List Building, Product Development, Teleseminars & Webinars, Business Systems, List Management, Strategic Planning, Events & Seminars, and Copywriting. All this and more for only $1497 – and easy installments if you like.

Direct Mail Building Blocks Home Study Course
Since internet marketing has become popular and email “seems” to be the marketing method of choice, many marketers and business owners have gotten away from the tried and true marketing media of Direct Mail. We have compiled all of our knowledge of over 15 years experience in planning and executing Direct Mail programs [small and large] into this Direct Mail Mastery Program.
This direct-mail system that will turn your business around almost overnight and draw clients to you like moths to a flame… This Powerful Course Is Guaranteed, Tested And Proven.
Using just a few strategies in the Direct Mail Mastery Program Will Devastate Your Competition, Lock In Customer Loyalty, And Explode Your Revenue In The New Economy. This program is only $1,997 and you can select installments if you like.
Direct Mail Made Easy Home Study Course
Direct Mail Made Easy is a nuts and bolts Home Study Course. We focus on the essentials to get you started without the larger investment. Here’s what’s included in this course: 2 Audio CD’s covering all the details of getting started successfully with Direct Mail and List Strategies; a Transcripts Manual allows you to follow along with the CD’s & make notes or go back & find specific points; The Definitive Guide to Using 3-D Mail in Your Marketing Campaigns is your step-by-step; guide for using Lumpy or 3-Dimensional Mail to Make Tons of Money in your business; The Direct Mail Resource Guide will give you the best sources of mail houses and all the other important resource you need for successful Direct Mail Campaigns. Direct Mail Made Easy is a no brainer for the business owner who wants to add direct mail to their marketing mix. The cost is only $497.00 delivered to your home or $397.00 for an immediate download.
Successful Event Planning & Marketing Home Study Course
Workshops, Seminars & Live Events, whether for 50 attendees or 5,000, can be one of the most profitable aspects of your Information Marketing business. If you’re smart about how you do your events, consider wisely what you spend money on and what you can get for FREE, and don’t make critical mistakes, you can easily make $100,000, $500,000, $1,000,000 (or more) every time you have an event. The Successful Event Planning & Marketing Home Study Course includes the most complete – where the rubber hits the road – step by step information about event planning and marketing, and hotel negotiation. This home study course is loaded with easy to follow checklists that will definitely save you time and money. Our over 15 years experience in planning small events, such as mastermind meetings to large events with numbers of 500 attendees and more, you will benefit for our years of experience. This course is only $1997.00 and a payment plan with payments as low as $535.00.
Magic Money Map Full Year Wall Calendar™
This 23″ X 36″ Magic Money Map Marketing Calendar™ is a place for you to put all your big picture details so everyone can see it at a glance.
If you’re looking for a way to have your full calendar year marketing plan in one place, where you entire team can access it, this is what you need.
Magic Money Map Marketing Calendar™
This 11”X17” Magic Money Map Marketing Calendar™ is the ultimate calendar you need to plan your year of business success.
The first page is the entire year-at-a-glance, so you can do all your big picture planning, and get all the details of what your year looks like in one place. This one page alone will make your business life so much easier because it allows you to see, in one single glance, what you have coming up, and what’s on your calendar for the coming, days, weeks and months.
Social Media Straight Talk
Whether you’re just starting out in social media or have been there since the beginning, there are a few tips and tricks that will help you make money, save you time, and even make you feel good about the small amount of time you are spending on social media. You just need to know, and use, the right strategies, at the right time, and on the right social networks. If you’ve been struggling (wasting time) trying to master Social Media yourself; If You have a staff member who you want to train to be your Social Media implementer; You have a “Brick & Mortar” store and want to attract new business; and You really don’t want to do this Social Media “thing” and you want someone else to do it for you, this is just what you need. Social Media Straight talk is 24 weeks of the information you need to know about social media. Each lesson is delivered directly into your inbox by email every Tuesday. It’s that simple! Social Media Straight Talk is only $97 per month – that’s only $24.25 per lesson.
Done For You Opportunities
Done for you services are done on a consulting basis and priced per project according to your requirements. If you are interested in a Done For You Service, click one of the areas below, fill out the email form and we’ll set up a time to chat and discuss your needs.
Social Media Marketing Management Let us manage your day to day social media efforts. We’ll post to Facebook, Twitter, and your blog with your approved content. Prices vary depending on the level of support you need.
Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns Want to add direct mail to your marketing campaign for an event, workshop, seminar or product launch. From postcards to full sales letters to personalized URLs (PURLS) we can do it all – from start to finish. We have all of the resources and contacts to include graphic designers, printer and mail houses.
Event & Seminar Management Thinking about having a live workshop or seminar? With over 15 years of event management under our belts we can help you a little or do the entire event for you. All you do is show up! From marketing to music to hotel negotiations to sales table, your event will run smoothly! Let’s discuss your big money day!
Social Media Leads System You might need an all in one web system that attracts social media traffic like crazy. We developed a failsafe system from landing page to Autoresponder, from SEO to IFO to help you move your social media contacts off social media platforms to your own house list. Our complete system has several options to fit your needs.
Books & Short Courses
- Secrets of Peak Performers – Vol 1
- Secrets of Peak Performers – Vol 2
- The Secret To Getting Things Done – $12.97
- The Entrepreneur’s Start Up Guide To Information Marketing –