See And/Or Believe…

July 11th, 2024 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

A few days ago, I saw a commercial with Dawn Staley (in case you don’t know… she’s the current University of South Carolina Women’s Basketball coach, former college, WNBA and Olympic basketball player) in it where she was talking about a program called “See Her”.

It’s a campaign about how far women’s sports have come and the importance of that for young girls.

At the end of the thirty second spot, she says “if you can see her, you can be her”.

I was struck by this statement. Especially based on the rest of the commercial script. Dawn specifically says she never imagined or dreamed of being a professional athlete growing up because it just wasn’t a possibility. And, yet she did it – because it became a possibility.

Anyway, it got me thinking about how many of us as entrepreneurs and business owners never imagined as we were growing up being where we are today.

So, the question is do you have to see it to believe it?

Or do you have to believe it so you can see it?

There will be arguments for and against both sides.

The “manifesters” will say you just have to see it, dream it, believe it and it will come true.

The hard core “realists” will say that’s all a bunch of woo woo stuff that nobody needs. And that all you really have to do is go do the work and you can have anything you want.

I guess I fall somewhere in the middle. I think while you’re dreaming and meditating, you have to move and take action to get things moving in the direction you want them to go.

Afterall, somebody had to have had the idea for cars, airplanes, phones, computers, etc. before they became a reality. And they wouldn’t have happened without implementation and execution of the plan on building them.

There was also a lot of trial and error, testing, and “failures” before your dreams became reality.

It’s not always going to be easy. It’s not always going to be fun.


It will always be worth it!

If you stick it out and keep going!

Never stop… don’t quit!

To Your Success –

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