The Mirror

August 1st, 2024 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

School is starting in my area next week and a teacher friend of mine is putting this bulletin board up in her classroom.

When she sent it to me, my immediate thought was this is applicable in business (and life), so I decided to use it – just as it is.

While we don’t necessarily get grades, as business owners, we’re constantly grading ourselves and others on a variety of things.

And sometimes, we forget that the person responsible for everything in our lives is us.

When you look in the mirror, you see the person who makes all your choices – for everything in your life.

At times, it might feel like life is being done to us… or for us.

Ultimately, we get to decide. And not deciding is also a decision.

It’s empowering, if you let it be.

It’s easier to blame others, or circumstances (or the weather… or…) but when we take responsibility for where we are and what’s happening in our lives (and business) we take our power back.

That’s when you can really start to make a difference.

In your life and the lives of others!

What difference are you going to make this week?

What will you look in the mirror and take responsibility for?

To Your Success –

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