Not Even Close

August 29th, 2024 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

If you’re sensing a theme here, this should be the last time I talk about locks at the gym for a while…I said should be because you never know what you’ll find in the locker room at the gym these days. So, no promises, but there’s no plan, at the moment, to show you any more locks…

I just couldn’t help myself when I walked into the locker room the day after I took the other picture of the lock with the key left in it and saw this lock…

Hanging on the locker, not even in the spot to secure the locker…and open.

The powerful purple lock, just hanging out waiting for somebody to use in the way it was meant to be used.

How many times do we do this in our businesses?

Or maybe I’m the only one…

Nah…I doubt that – I know my clients do this too.

You invest in a tool, software or something to make your life easier or better or to help your team in some way and then you either never use it at all or you never fully implement it to its fullest abilities.

Like the lock hanging there waiting to be put in the right spot and closed, so it can do its job the way it was designed to, we do the same things every single day.

With our team, with tools, with software, with courses, with events we attend, and the list goes on and on.


Maybe you’re the lock.

You have the power and the ability to do great things, to affect hundreds or thousands of lives, to change the world of those around you and your own, but instead of taking action and utilizing your gifts, you just hang on…like the lock.

Are you waiting on something specific to happen? Or just the right time to come around so you can finally be as successful as you say you want to be? Are you waiting until you make more money to hire some help?

Or are you…

You can make excuses (known to most as “reasons”) or you can take what you have, where you are now, and begin.

Take action…take the first step…then the next and the next…

Don’t want for the perfect time…

…because the perfect time never comes.

Or maybe the perfect time is always here

It’s NOW!


To Your Success –

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