Curiosity… Childlike Curiosity

January 30th, 2025 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

When was the last time you looked at your business with curiosity?

Have you ever looked or thought about your business with child-like curiosity?

Toddlers and children have a way of looking at things with curiosity that many adults have lost.

How many times a day do you ask “why”?

Why are we doing this?
Why are we doing this this way?
Why are we using this tool to accomplish this task?
Why ______________________? (you fill in the blank)

Why do kids ask to help all the time?

It’s not necessarily because they want to help… it’s because they’re curious.

The little one in my life runs to help me get ice out of the ice maker every time I use it. Then, he sticks his eye as close as he can get it to the refrigerator and looks up in the ice maker. He’s trying to figure out where the ice came from and how it works.

And he asks a lot of questions… lol! (and they come fast and furious sometimes)

“Whatcha doing Aunt Di” and “I help you Aunt Di” are common phrases when we’re together.


Here’s another curiosity question…

Why not?

Why not take a chance…
Why not you (me)…
Why not try it…

The list goes on and on.

The point is, we’re still in the early part of the new year.

Why not start the year with some new and exciting questions?

You never know where it’ll take your business…

Who knows, you might just have your best year ever!

To Your Success –

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