Block vs Random Problem-Solving

March 13th, 2025 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

Are you a good problem solver?

I’ve been told I am…

I saw a video the other day, related to sports (surprised? Probably not), but it made sense in life too.

It was talking about the fact that people’s problem-solving skills have decreased over time and are less than they used to be.

And part of the reason is we do things in blocks instead of random.

For example, if you’re working on your jump shot in basketball, you probably go shoot 20-30 (or more) shots in a row. One right after the other.


That doesn’t translate to the game because that’s not ever what happens in a game (real-life) situation. In a game, you’re running down the court, might receive or throw a pass, make a cut, and so on.

It’s random. The game is random and so is life.

So, we should practice that way.

You may have heard the saying “you play like you practice.” But we don’t practice like we play.


Speaking in front of people (whether live or virtual) is random. You never know what might happen.

Do you practice handling different situations before you go onstage?

It’s probably harder to practice somethings as they relate to business than it is as they relate to sports, but the principle is still the same.

Looking to improve your problem-solving skills, practice some random things.

There are a lot of games and apps you can get to work on your problem solving skills. As you get better at them, the skills will cross-over into other areas of your life.

I play a game called “Words With Friends” and it’s made me a better writer as my vocabulary has increased.

There are strategy games and more available as well.

I just love the random vs block training idea.

What do you do to increase your problem-solving skills?

To Your Success –

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