Consistent Everyday Choices Result In Long Term Positive Business And Marketing Results

September 30th, 2013 by under Business Strategy, Marketing. No Comments.

Consistency in your business is integral to its success.  If you continually make good, sound decisions that move your business forward, you’re going to have great success.

Consistency, over time, is a huge formula for business and marketing success.  If you’re consistent in making the small decisions (the small “yeses” and the small “no’s”), and focus on the details of your business, this is where you’re going to make a big difference in your business.  This is where you can set yourself apart from everyone else.

Nobody wants to be saddled with the details.  You know, the small minute details that drive most small business owners and entrepreneurs crazy – the ones you sweep under the rug hoping you won’t have to deal with… those details.  The ones that end up costing you so much time, energy and money in the long run because you ignored them.

Everybody wants to be the big picture person, the visionary, the person with passion and a mission, but the devil is in the details.

The small details are also sometimes the difference between success and failure.  Now, everything you try will not work in your business.  Some things will work and some things won’t, but if you’re consistently doing things, watching the details, and moving yourself forward more things will work than not.

Why is consistency with the small details so important?  It’s momentum – the snowball effect.  It’s the snowball at the top of the mountain that starts off very small, and as it rolls down the mountain what happens?  It gets bigger and it gains speed and it goes faster… and it continues to get bigger and go faster and faster down the mountain.  That’s momentum.

You have this in your business too.  You can have either positive momentum or no momentum, and if you’re not implementing, if you’re not moving forward and making these small decisions every single day in your business, then you lose your momentum – you stop picking up speed and you stop growing in your business.

All the small decisions you make every single day in your business build momentum, and once you get the momentum moving forward in your favor, many times you can’t stop the ball rolling even if you wanted to… and that’s a really good thing.

Consistency, over time, will bring you success in your marketing, and in all of the things you’re doing in your small business.  So, whatever it is you need in your business to bring people in, to improve technology, to get more oomph, more speed, more momentum, do it consistently every day, over time, and you’ll see a huge difference in your business success.

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