Content Development Made Easy

September 19th, 2024 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

Do you find it difficult to know what to write about or say in a video?

Is developing content a struggle for you?

I’m often asked how I keep putting things out year-after-year…after so many years.

Want to know my secret?

It’s not always easy. And, like you, I sometimes struggle with what to write or say.

Somehow, it always comes to me – and most of the time it just comes through me.

Those are the moments I cherish because it literally takes me minutes to write a piece like this. It’s like my fingers just go on the keyboard and not much thought comes out of my brain. (In my case that might be for the better…😊!)

The answer I really want to share with you is that I’ve trained my brain to look for things that are marketing and business related or lessons I can share with you in everyday life.

When I first started doing this I would literally stop and think about what marketing or business lesson I could get from where I was. It started on one of the first cruises I took many years ago. Everywhere I looked there was a marketing lesson. So many that I had to write them down.

I started keeping a running list of things in Evernote on my phone years ago.

Now, I find inspiration in all sorts of places…at the gym (you may have seen the lock pictures), at church, sporting events, while shopping, and more.

What I’d say to you is just look – start out doing it on purpose, and like most things it will become second nature over time.

Be sure you look for good examples (it may seem like they’re harder to find, but they aren’t) and don’t just concentrate on things you see that you’d change.

You’ll be surprised what you see when you become more aware.

Another tip for content is to notice the questions people are asking you (and others). Start a frequently asked questions list. Then add to it a should asked questions list. You know what they’re asking – now, help they by answering questions about what they should be asking that they aren’t – because they don’t know to.

I’d love to hear your content creation stories.

To Your Success –

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