Focus? Where? Focus Inward…
October 3rd, 2019 by Diane Conklin under Business coaching/mentors. No Comments.
You hear a lot about focus. People talk about it. They tell you to be focused or to focus…
…but what does that really mean?
We all tend to look outside of ourselves for all kinds of answers but especially when it comes to focus.
We can get coaches and have mentors that help us with the specifics of getting the things done we want to get done and who help with the how to, the strategy, tricks of the trade and all of that. AND, ultimately, when the rubber meets the road, we are the ones who have to decide what’s right for us and for our business.
I challenge you to take 10-15 minutes every day, get quiet,
and just focus inward. Listen, what do you hear? What does that inward focus do
for you? What does it say?
Not some fancy tactic or trick. Good,
solid inward focus! It works pretty much every time. (Besides, I’m convinced
that sometimes people ask others for advice on exactly what to do just so they
don’t have to take responsibility for the outcomes…ouch! I know that doesn’t
feel good…but that doesn’t make it any less true).
Want some help focusing? How about 2 days of focused attention to your business?
That’s what we do at “Plan, Grow & Succeed™”! November 7-8, 2019, in Atlanta!
That, and more in 2 full days…more details are at!
See you there!