How Business Changes…

February 27th, 2025 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

I was spending some time working ON my business last week (as I do every week) and I found myself reflecting on the different phases of my business, how things have changed and stayed the same, and how those things progress the longer you’re in business.

Remember how excited you were to start your business. All the fun new things to discover and learn…

The fear of all that you didn’t know.
The trepidation as you did your first “class” or video.
Not knowing if you were doing or saying the right things.
The thrill of your first sale.

Then, as you entered the growth stage of your business, the exuberance you experienced with each new thing you added or tried. Even when things didn’t work like you’d hoped they would, you always pushed on, knowing something better was just around the corner.

As you moved into the leverage phase of your business, adding systems, team and automation, you began to feel like you didn’t have to do everything by yourself. And, maybe for the first time, you felt like you were building a business and didn’t just buy yourself a job.

Maybe you got to a point where you were scaling your business. Maybe you didn’t. Not every business is meant to grow to the point of scaling.

Whether it took you a year, a few years, or many years to get to this point, doesn’t matter. You built a business.

Now what?

There are so many options at this point. You can maintain, you can keep growing, you could even sell your business.

For many, when you’ve been in business for 20 or 30 years, or more, everything looks different. Time becomes more important than money. Your energy level changes. As do your priorities.

This doesn’t always happen. I know plenty of people who’ve been in business 30+ years who are still expanding. Some are branching out into new areas, or buying new businesses, while others are continuing to grow the business they have.

Each phase of business requires different things.

Do you know what phase of your business you’re in?

I hope whatever phase it is you’re having fun and enjoying where you are.

Do Business Better!

To Your Success –

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