I Do It…

February 22nd, 2024 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

(Insert Your First Name) do it!

Remember wanting to feel independent and try new things when you were young? If you have kids and grandchildren, you’ve been blessed to watch them grow into (and through) this phase.

Think about what that was like…

The pure joy of discovery… of accomplishing things for the first time… the confidence you gained as you did more and more things for yourself.

Even when a young child is unsure of something, they pretty easily and effortlessly will look to a loved one for help. They ask for it!

Do you still have the same curiosity and desire to experience new things?

Or has your life and business gone a little flat?

Do you let fear keep you from trying new things?

What’s holding you back?

When was the last time you asked for help?

Help with something you were unsure about. Or help with something you don’t know how to do or have never done before.

If you’re like most people, by the time you reached 40, you sort of lost the idea of risking and trying new things was fun and exciting.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we think of ourselves as innovative and on the edge of new things.

Are you?


Or have you become cautious and even a little risk averse?

I’m not talking about jumping off a cliff or doing something radical.

When was the last time you did something brand new?

When was the last time you asked for help?

So many times you just need a little encouragement, someone to believe in you until you can see it for yourself, or a nudge to get moving forward.

As things change in the world (and they always do) it’s becoming more and more important to have a coach who can help you.

Start things.
Keep moving forward.
Test small.
And do it all again!

If you’re looking for that (and more), let me know. Let’s talk.

The world is changing, and the most successful business owners are working with a coach to help them navigate through it all.

I’d like to be yours and help you.

To Your Success –

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