Locked Up Tight…Or Not…

August 22nd, 2024 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

I was at the gym the other day (as I am most days of the week – consistency) and when I turned the corner to enter the women’s locker room I saw this lock on a locker.

The locker is lock…

with the key in the lock.

I immediately started to laugh.

Then I thought about how so many of us do this very same thing in our lives and businesses.

We lock things up tight…

Only to leave the key – where anybody can get inside.

Sometimes this happens because we get in too big of a hurry. We’re rushing around trying to get everything done, instead of taking our time and doing them right the first time.

I couldn’t help but wonder what was inside that locker (no, I didn’t look).

What was so valuable that you had to put a lock on it to keep others out?

But not so valuable that you didn’t take the key with you – so you could actually keep them out.

How many times do we do the wrong things (for what we think is the right reason)?

And then, knowing we’re wrong, hold onto that decision like our lives depend on it?

Protect what’s yours that needs to be protected.

And, in business there are things that need to be protected.

Just make sure you are really protecting those things and it’s not an illusion…like the lock that’s locked but still has the key in it.

What are you leaving unprotected that needs to be protected?

To Your Success –

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