
November 19th, 2020 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

As you read this, I have just boarded an airplane. Headed to Ohio to bury my mom who passed last week.

I’ve spent a lot of time, in the last week, reflecting on my relationship with my mom.

It was complicated. And, in the end, she was still my mom.

As with most of us, I learned a lot from my parents. Some were lessons about what, and who, I didn’t want to be. And some are responsible for who I am today… at least in part.

As I have been reflecting on my life, and how I grew up, I realized that none of it has to define me or my life.

There are a lot of lessons I learned growing up on a farm and playing sports that I apply to my life and my business today.

Some of those values and lessons make me feel like an alien today, but they are the foundation I have built my life on.

Keeping my word…
Hard work…
Being on time (which really means 10 minutes early)…
And, more!

Time passes for all of us.

Value the relationships you have and fix the broken ones when you can.

Make an impact with your life. And in your business.

Do things that matter to you.

Don’t put them off.

You just never know.

To Your Success –


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