
“When I need professional assistance with my direct mail campaigns, I turn to Diane Conklin and Gail Saseen at Complete Marketing Systems. They are two experts I can really trust to clean my mailing lists and eliminate duplicate names, so I’m not overspending unnecessarily.
I encourage you to take a closer look at Complete Marketing Systems because I wouldn’t launch a direct mail campaign without them.”
Alex Mandossian

I have known Diane Conklin & Gail Saseen for many years. They are extremely smart, skilled, multi-talented business women, who I share ideas with every chance I get. They are systematic and strategic in their approach to business and marketing, and most impressive is their ability to execute, implement and get things done. They really know how to take action to get things done!
If you want to know about direct response marketing, strategic planning, business systems, or any of the other things these ladies are knowledgeable about (and there are many), you should jump at the chance to learn and do business with Diane & Gail because they have worked in the business for many years and can cut your learning curve and increase your profits from their massive wisdom and experience.
I trust their knowledge and expertise so much that they are featured faculty on the members-only Website that I host for my Millionaire Smarts Sponsors and members.
Lee Milteer
Performance Coach and Author Millionaire Smarts Coaching
Success Is An Inside Job Spiritual Power Tools

I was impressed with Diane Conklin the first time I met her and my respect for her knowledge and skills in marketing grows every time I have the privilege of talking to or spending time with her.
The powerful, simple systems I learned from Diane & Gail helped me completely revamp the strategies I was using to promote and put on my own seminars and live events. Their methods are straightforward, easy to implement, and massively profitable.
Whether you’re a first time event promoter or a seasoned veteran who’s been doing events for more than 10 years, the tips and secrets you’ll learn from Diane & Gail will add thousands, even tens of thousands, of dollars to the bottom line profit of every event you do from now on.
Lorrie Morgan
Ferrero Van Nuys, CA

Finally it has been done! Diane Conklin and Gail Saseen have combined their years of experience of working with some of the best Info-Marketers and have created a no-nonsense, easy to understand, foundation for anyone who is interested in getting into the world’s best business or for people who are already Info-Marketers and are looking to sharpen their skills.
If you’re looking for a shortcut to building your list, fast product development, or creating BIG paydays…you’ve just gotta see and hear what they’ve created!!! I wish I had this 10-years ago when I first went into the Information Marketing Business instead of learning by attending the School of Hard Knocks.
Bill Glazer
President of Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle™
Chairman of The Information Marketing Association
Merlene Melott on April 24th, 2011
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!